The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 337 Jade Mark’s Visit

Chapter 337 Jade Mark’s Visit (2)
"Yes! We meet again." Yun Qing said.

Chu Limo stepped forward and pulled Yun Qing into his arms, and looked at Yuhen with warning eyes, "Stay away from her. Otherwise, I will never let you go."

Yuhen's gentle and handsome face smiled lightly, "I don't have the hobbies like Mr. Yechen, Mr. Yechen, don't worry." The world has been rumored that Yechen is good at breaking his sleeves.He even had an affair with Nangong Jin.Looking at it now, it should be true.This Yunyin must be Yechen's new love.

But what Yuhen didn't expect was whether he would still say such things if he knew that Yunyin was the person he had been looking for.

"Mr. Yunyin, the visitor is a guest. Wouldn't you please have a cup of tea, Mr. Yunyin?"

"This is a brothel, there is no tea, you went to the wrong place to drink tea." Chu Limo said coldly.

"It doesn't matter, wine is also fine." Yuhen looked at Yun Qing and said with a smile: "Young Master Yun Yin won't even be reluctant to part with a glass of wine."

"Shuangshuang, serve wine to Prince Yuhen."

"Yes." Shuangshuang glanced at Chu Limo, then looked at her current master, Yun Qing, and finally answered.

Wine was brought out quickly.Yuhen filled the glass with wine, picked it up and handed it to Yun Qing and Chu Limo, "I, Yuhen, have a glass of wine, a friend. I wonder if the two of you can do me a favor and make this friend."

Yun Qing looked at Yuhen's face that looked somewhat like Haoyu, picked up the wine glass, and drank the wine, "A glass of wine, a friend."

Yuhen smiled lightly and drank the glass of wine.Then he poured another glass, "Young Master Yechen."

Chu Limo watched Yun Qing drink Yuhen's malicious wine, feeling annoyed in his heart, and glared at Yuhen, "I don't need you as my friend."

"Since Mr. Yechen doesn't want to make Yuhen this friend now, then Yuhen will wait, and this glass of wine will be served first as a respect to Yuhen." Then he drank the glass of wine.

"Hmph." Chu Limo turned his face aside.Yun Qing pulled Chu Limo, really don't know what kind of deep hatred these two people have.Chu Limo really wanted to kill Yuhen.

"Now that you have drunk wine and made friends, can you leave now? If Prince Yuhen wants to buy music, please come at night. At that time, my son will definitely do his best as a landlord and entertain Yuchen well." Yours, Prince Hen." Chu Limo glanced at Yuhen and said hurriedly.

"Mr. Yunyin, there will be a martial arts tournament at Chaoyang Gate in five days. I hope that Mr. Yunyin can come." Saying that, Yuhen handed a bronzing invitation to Yunqing.Yun Qing took the bronzing invitation. "must."

Yuhen glanced at Yechen, then smiled faintly, "Thank you, Mr. Yunyin, for the wine." After saying that, he left 'Zuishengmengdie'.

Chu Limo took the gold-plated invitation card from Yunqing's hand and threw it on the ground, "Qingqing, I don't like you and Yuhen getting too close." Too close will make him feel insecure.There is always a feeling that Yuhen will fight him out.

"You all go down." Yun Qing saw that there were other people standing in the hall and ordered.Fortunately, Chu Limo's voice was not very loud, and those people didn't hear it.

"Yes." Everyone said in unison.

In the hall, only Chu Limo and Yun Qing were left.Yun Qing laughed suddenly, "Are you angry? I drank Yuhen's wine when I was angry. I became friends with Yuhen." Yun Qing paused and said, "Didn't Nangong Jin just say that? Our troubles Here we come. Since the Qi family is domineering in Xiyue and no one dares to offend, Yuhen himself has come to the door again. Such a good backer, why don't we rely on it."

(End of this chapter)

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