The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 341 The Man in the Painting of the Forbidden Area of ​​the Qi Mansion

Chapter 341 The Man in the Painting of the Forbidden Area of ​​the Qi Mansion (1)
In the darkness of night, Qi Mansion.

Yun Qing's figure passed through like a swallow, and soon came to the backyard of Qi Mansion.

Compared with the back door, there are several times more guards here.Every few minutes, a pair of guards would pass by.Therefore, Yun Qing also became more careful.

Looking at the heavily guarded Qi Mansion, Yun Qing always felt that something was wrong.The security here is so strict that it can be called a palace.What exactly is there in the Qi Manor that needs to be guarded so closely?
Just as Yun Qing was about to pass through the back garden, suddenly, a pair of patrolling guards came over with lights on.When Yun Qing saw it, she was startled, and she didn't have time to hide in the rockery behind.

"Who is it?" The guard with the lamp yelled, holding up the lamp and looking in the direction of the garden.Yun Qing hid behind the rockery, not daring to make a sound.

The guards watched for a long time but there was no movement, "There is no one, you are dazzled."

After the patrolling guards left, Yun Qing came out from behind the rockery.Looking at the little lights in the night, Yun Qing's eyes turned cold.The more mysterious the Qi Mansion is, the more suspicious it is, there must be some ulterior secret hidden in the Qi Mansion.

This time, Yun Qing carefully avoided the patrolling guards, and came to a relatively quiet small courtyard standing alone in the backyard of Qi Mansion.

Yun Qing reconsidered in her heart, the guards in the Qi Mansion are heavily guarded, but this place is so quiet and peaceful, Yun Qing looked around carefully and found no one, so she walked out.

He raised his head and looked at the two words 'Forbidden Land' written on it.But there was a stone tablet standing at the entrance, which read, "Qi Mansion Forbidden Land, no entry allowed."Trespasser, die! '

No wonder there is no guard here.It has been clearly written here, no one is allowed to enter.

Yun Qing glanced at the small characters on the stone tablet.She wanted to see what secrets were hidden in this forbidden place.It is so mysterious, maybe the medicine they are looking for is in it.Thinking of this possibility, Yun Qingchao walked over to the forbidden area.

Yun Qing pushed open the door and walked in, the room was very dark.But Yun Qing has been walking in the dark all year round, which is no longer a difficult task for her.But fortunately, I thought of this before coming here. Chu Limo is very rich, so he gave her a night pearl the size of an egg.Taking out the Ye Mingzhu, the room immediately lit up.And the things placed in the room were reflected in Yun Qing's mind one by one.

There is a bookcase in the room, and there are many old books in the bookcase.Yun Qing flipped through it casually, and found some very strange words, she didn't recognize any of them.And there is a purple gold incense burner next to it, and the position of the incense burner is also very strange, it is placed against the bookcase.There is an unknown incense burning inside.The smell is light, but it has a special fragrance.Yun Qing couldn't tell what this smell was for a while.But it's really strange. Apart from a lot of books, the room is just an incense burner with incense.What is hidden in such a strange 'forbidden place'?Or, did she overlook something?

The things in this room really puzzled Yun Qing.In a forbidden place.It can't be just some books and an incense burner.She must have overlooked something.

I turned left and right in the room, but found nothing.Suddenly, Yun Qing saw a painting hanging on the wall.The woman in the painting is dressed in white and smiles sweetly, lifelike, as if she will walk out of the painting at any time.Taking a closer look, Yun Qing felt that the woman in the painting looked very familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.He paused, and at first glance, he was three points similar to the woman in the painting.Especially her eyes, very much like the woman in the painting.

(End of this chapter)

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