The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 345 Qi Rong, you can't just ignore death at this time

Chapter 345 Qi Rong, you can't just ignore death at this time (2)
"That's fine, since Second Young Master Qi is going to die, so I have no choice but to borrow the land of Second Young Master Qi and start killing. At that time, Second Young Master Qi's land will be dirty, or it will be destroyed. Things, then you can’t blame me.” Nangong Jin shrugged and said indifferently.

Qi Rong glanced at a servant beside him with indifferent eyes, and ordered: "Take Mr. Nangong and this girl inside."

"Yes." The boy replied.

Nangong Jin didn't even say thank you, and walked in swaggeringly.Before Bai Yue had time, she wanted to follow in quickly.

At this time, the guards who searched had also arrived at the courtyard where Qi Rong lived.

"Second Young Master." The leading guard stood aside respectfully.

"It's so late, and Qi Da's bodyguard brought so many people to my son's yard, he didn't come to chat with me, did he?" Qi Rong's tone was very calm, neither warm nor angry.But anyone who knows Qi Rong's temperament knows that the second young master is warning them.

"The subordinates dare not. I also ask the second young master to forgive me. The subordinates are searching for two assassins."

"Then you mean to say that this son is harboring assassins. Huh?"

"Second Young Master. Subordinate...Subordinate doesn't mean that."

Qi Rong's short sentence, neither warm nor angry, made all the guards tremble with fright.


"Yes. This subordinate will get out immediately." The guards hurriedly left the second young master's courtyard.

In the Qi Mansion, even Qi Hou has nothing to do with the Second Young Master.The second young master never allowed anyone to enter this yard.Just like the forbidden area of ​​Qi Mansion.The second young master's yard is another forbidden area of ​​Qi Mansion.

Qi Rong walked into the room, looked at Nangong Jin who was sitting leisurely at the side, and said indifferently: "They have already left. You should leave too."

"I think your place is pretty good. Such a good place..."

"Nangong Jin, don't push yourself too hard." Qi Rong glanced at Nangong Jin and said angrily.

Nangong Jin laughed, "Second Master Qi wanted to drive me away so soon, could it be that he is hiding in the golden house here? I don't know which girl it is."

"Xia Jin, see off the guests." Qi Rong ordered.

The servant named Xia Jin said neither humble nor overbearing: "Young Master Nangong, please."

Bai Yue has been observing the conversation between them. The second young master Qi knew at a glance that he is not a simple person. Bai Yue reminded: "Let's go quickly. It is important to find someone."

Nangong Jin snorted, looked at Qi Rong, "Did that old man of yours arrest anyone today?"

"The person you are looking for is not here." Qi Rong said lightly.Nangong Jin thought about it.That's right, if that girl Chu Liyou was really here, that guy Chu Limo would have already made a mess here.He just heard that Chu Liyou was missing, and Chu Limo and Yun Qing came to the Qi Mansion to look for him, so he came to have a look, but he had been in for so long, and he didn't see Chu Limo and Yun Qing. It means that they have already found this place, and that girl Chu Liyou is not here.

Knowing that Chu Liyou is not in the Qi residence, Nangong Jin is not wasting time.She took Bai Yue and left Qi Mansion.

After a whole night of hard work, when Nangong Jin and Bai Yue returned to Yunfu, the sky was already slightly bright.

"Where did you go?" Seeing the two people appear, Yun Qing asked.She and Chu Limo stayed up all night, waiting for news.

"I heard that the two of you are going to the Qi Mansion, so we rushed there." Bai Yue replied.Yun Qing was startled, "The assassins of the Qi Mansion are you two, how did you two get out?"

(End of this chapter)

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