The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 351 Reaching an Agreement with Qi Rong

Chapter 351 Reaching an Agreement with Qi Rong (2)
"Yes." The guard replied.

Tang Courtyard of Qi Mansion.

"Master, some distinguished guests have arrived." Xia Jinli said respectfully from the side.Qi Rong waved his hand, Xia Jin retreated calmly.When Chu Limo and Yun Qing walked into Tangyuan, they saw Qi Rong sitting on the ground, with a chess game that hadn't been played beside him.It seems that the person who played chess with Qi Rong just now should be Nangong Jin.

"Please sit down." Qi Rong waved his hand.The two sat down politely, and Nangong Jin who came in behind also sat down.Qi Rong looked at Chu Limo and Yun Qing, smiled gently, and said lightly: "Young Master Yechen and Young Master Yun Yin are making trouble in the Qi Mansion in the middle of the night, probably not because they came to see Qi Rong."

"The distinguished guest that Second Young Master Qi is waiting for is not my son." Chu Limo replied coolly.

"Mr. Yechen, why should you be obsessed with who Qi Rong is waiting for? Since you have entered Tangyuan, you are Qi Rong's distinguished guest." Qi Rong smiled lightly: "The things that Mr. Yechen and Mr. Yunyin want, Qi Rong It can be offered with both hands.”

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. What does Second Young Master Qi want?" Chu Limo snorted coldly and said coolly.

"As long as Mr. Yechen promises to make things happen, and entrust Qi Mingyang's life to me, Qi Rong will offer what Mr. Yechen wants with both hands."

"Hmph, how do you know what this young master wants to get?" Chu Limo said coolly.Nangong Jin is unreliable, but he will never tell about their coming to Qi Mansion to find medicine.Other than Lingyin and Nangong Jin, only Qingqing knew about his poisoning.But these people will never speak out.

"Mr. Yechen and Mr. Yunyin broke into the forbidden area of ​​the Qi Mansion twice, didn't they just want to find something in the forbidden area?" Qi Rong smiled gently, and said lightly: "The forbidden area you have seen is nothing but a deliberately created one by Qi Mingyang. It's just an illusion, it's just a wooden house, the real forbidden area of ​​Qi Mansion is not there."

"What did you say?" Yun Qing was taken aback.

She quickly understood, no wonder she didn't see anything inside.I only saw some books, an incense burner and a portrait.

Qi Rong said indifferently: "The legendary 'Night Pearl' that can cure all diseases hidden in the forbidden area you are looking for is in the real forbidden area of ​​Qi Mansion. But the so-called 'Night Pearl' that can cure all diseases is not at all. It's not as magical as in the legend, because it's not the "Ye Mingzhu" but a deadly poison. In the past few years, Mr. Yechen and Mr. Nangong have been looking for it in Xiyue, and Mr. Nangong even broke into the Qi Mansion several times, but they couldn't find it. Nothing." Qi Rong looked at Chu Limo and smiled gently, "Is what Qi Rong said right?"

"So you want to exchange the real forbidden land for Qi Mingyang's life, you want to save him." Chu Limo said, "Why do you think that my son will agree to you." Qi Mingyang must die, his life must be given by Qingqing Finished.

After Yun Qing glanced at Chu Limo, he said to Qi Rong, "Where is the real forbidden area of ​​Qi Mansion."

"..." Chu Limo looked at Yun Qing.Yun Qing gave Chu Limo a glance.Hearing what Qi Rong said, he probably understood that the so-called heirloom 'Ye Mingzhu' that can cure all diseases is just a cover, and that 'Ye Mingzhu' is the deadly poison 'Li Hun San'.Qi Mingyang's life can be saved for the time being, but finding 'Li Hun San' is the most important thing now.

"Give Qi Rong some time."

"That is to say, even the Second Young Master Qi doesn't know where the real forbidden area of ​​the Qi Mansion is." Chu Limo interrupted Qi Rong and snorted coldly, "If that's the case, let's wait for the Second Young Master Qi Find the forbidden place and talk about it. But Second Young Master Qi has to hurry up, otherwise, Qi Mingyang’s son will take it at any time.” Chu Limo glanced at Nangong Jin again, gritted his teeth and said: “It seems that Nangong Miracle Doctor and Second Young Master Qi has an unusual relationship."

(End of this chapter)

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