The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 356: A Martial Arts Competition

Chapter 356: A Martial Arts Competition (1)
Xiyue, early February.

In February of Xiyue, there is a very big happy event, that is, the Qi family will compete in martial arts for Miss Qi family to recruit relatives.So during this period of time in Xiyue, a lot of people from the rivers and lakes came.

Originally, Yun Qing planned to let Nangong Jin defeat the young lady of the Qi family and sneak into the Qi family, but after what happened last time.This plan is no longer useful.Because it was the day when the young lady of the Qi family had a martial arts competition to recruit her relatives.Qi Rong specially invited Chu Limo and Yun Qing as 'special' VIPs to watch this grand event.

Since Qi Mingyang found out that Chu Limo's identity was Yechen, his attitude changed 180 times.It seemed that they also forgot what Chu Limo and Yun Qing had done to Qi Yu.As for Qi Yu, if his tongue was cut off and his tendons were picked off, he would be a useless person.The Qi Mansion has never needed a useless person.

Martial arts competitions are held on Dongzheng Street in Xiyue.As early as a few days ago, a platform had already been set up on Dongzheng Street.

Qi Mansion.

"I said, I don't want to recruit relatives through martial arts. I don't want to marry."

Qi Mingyang glared at his daughter Qi Lu angrily, and said fiercely: "Presumptuous. This matter has already been announced to the world. If you don't want to compare, you must compare with me. If you don't want to marry, you will challenge me by defeating you." man, then you don’t have to marry.”

Qi Mingyang's angry reprimand made Qi Lu's mother tremble beside her. Qi Lu stared and said ruthlessly, "Then I'll kill them all."

"Hmph, if you have this ability, you can kill them all, then you don't need to marry. Now, you will go to the ring for me immediately." Qi Mingyang snorted.He flicked his sleeves and strode away.Qi Lu looked at Qi Mingyang who was leaving, her eyes turned cold, and her heart became ruthless.She is not the real Qi Lu.Unlike Qi Lu, she would let Qi Mingyang manipulate her at will, and no one could force her to marry someone she didn't want to marry.Since those people want to marry her, go to hell.

"Lu'er, you should stop making trouble with your father. You are not young anymore, your father is also thinking of you." Qi Lu's mother is a cowardly and ignorant woman who only knows how to rely on Qi Mingyang.She never dared to go against Qi Mingyang's words.

"Hmph." Qi Lu snorted coldly, and said coldly, "Why are you thinking of me? He just uses me to strengthen his own power and consolidate his own position." After finishing speaking, he took the sword that Qi Lu was wearing with him. Just go out.

Although she is not the real Qi Lu, she is not the kind of woman who will be at the mercy of others.She was even more unlike Qi Lu, she would be unable to deal with enemies.

Dongzheng Street of Xiyue Jinling City.

Qi Lu had already changed into light red attire, and looked at the obscene, disgusting, and fat-headed men with indifferent faces.It's just a dream that these men also want to marry her.

There is a chair in the middle of the high platform, that chair is for Qi Mingyang to sit on, and several chairs are placed beside each other.Apart from Qi Rong who invited Chu Limo and Yun Qing as 'special' guests, the sixth prince also came, all the six princes came, and Yuhen unexpectedly also came.Prince Yuhen came personally, and although Qi Mingyang supported the sixth prince, he still had to do enough superficial work.

"I send my regards to His Highness the Crown Prince, and to His Royal Highness the Sixth Prince."

"Your Highness." Qi Rong just greeted lightly.The tone is still light.

"No courtesy. I came to see the excitement like my sixth brother today. Lord Qi Hou and Second Young Master Qi don't need to be more polite." Yuhen glanced at Qi Mingyang and said calmly.Seeing that the limelight was suddenly taken away by Yuhen, the sixth prince Murong Yuxian had an ugly face.Especially Qi Rong, who always thinks that he doesn't take him seriously.But he still laughed and said: "The prince is right, uncle and cousin should not be restricted by etiquette." The latter voice of cousin was even more severe.Qi Rong was still very calm, and he didn't show any emotion because of the sixth prince's harsh words.

(End of this chapter)

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