The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 359 How about this young master deliberately humiliating you

Chapter 359 How about this young master deliberately humiliating you (2)
"Lu'er." Seeing this scene, Qi Mingyang stood up and scolded angrily.Although she is not the real Qi Lu, she still has to rely on Qi Mingyang now, so she has to listen to Qi Mingyang's words for the time being.

"Okay... good fight!" The applause from the audience remained the same.

Qi Mingyang walked up to Yun Qing, and said, "Mr. Yunyin is young and promising. Now that you have defeated Luer, you are my son-in-law." With a little look.He had originally wanted to win over Yechen and Yunyin.

"Wait!" Yun Qing raised his eyebrows and looked at Qi Mingyang, "When did my son say he was going to marry her?"

"Young Master Yunyin, this is the arena for martial arts competitions to recruit relatives, but you entered the arena and defeated Lu'er in front of everyone." Qi Mingyang's tone was also slightly angry.

"I made it clear a long time ago. This young master defeated her, but this young master will never marry her. This young master just wants to teach her a lesson. Let her understand that not all men in this world are She is useless. There are many men who are stronger than her in this world." Yun Qing sneered coldly.

She just wanted to humiliate her on purpose.After today, the name Qi Lu is a joke in Xiyue.

"You..." Qi Lu stared at Yun Qing with dark eyes, "Don't think about it anymore, this lady will never marry you. One day, this lady will definitely kill you with her own hands. To repay today's hatred."

"Hehe." Yun Qing smiled, "Whoever said that my son is going to marry you, the person suffering from delusions should be Miss Qi, you don't go home and look in the mirror. Do you want me to marry you? That's right, it is precisely because Miss Qi is quite old that she is in a hurry to recruit a relative. It's just a pity that there are so many men, but none of them is willing to marry you. "

Those words were like slapping her hard in the face.If she is said to be wearing clothes, then she is indeed quite old now.

"Ha ha…"

Listen to Yun Qing's humiliating words.The people in the audience laughed.There is no shyness at all.

Several other people on the stage couldn't help but smile.

Chu Limo took Yun Qing's hand, and regardless of Yun Qing's attire as a man, he nodded dotingly on Yun Qing's face and said softly: "It's really naughty."

Yun Qing smiled, "It's not your favorite." If it weren't for you, she wouldn't have slapped Qi Mingyang in the face in public.

This scene stimulated Qi Lu's nerves even more.This brat, who humiliated himself in public, is now lying in the arms of a man.Is he telling everyone that she is no match for a man?
Qi Lu glanced at Yuhen's direction again, seeing that Yuhen didn't show any expression.This also stimulated her.This Yun Yin, in front of everyone, gave her such a big embarrassment.She must not let him go.

At this time, a silent Qi Rong stood up and said indifferently: "Is there anyone else who wants to come up to challenge?" This sentence has already tacitly allowed Yun Yin to humiliate Qi Lu.But at this time, when such a thing happened, who else would come up to challenge.Qi Rong saw that no one came up to challenge from the audience, and said indifferently: "Since no one came up to challenge, today's martial arts competition and recruiting relatives will come to an end here."

"Let's go." Qi Lu had already been humiliated.Anyway, she still has some time to stay in Xiyue.This revenge can be avenged slowly.Now, there's not much to see here.

"Yeah." Chu Limo nodded slightly.He came here entirely to satisfy Qingqing's heart of watching the excitement.

"Don't leave!" Qi Mingyang looked at Yun Qing and said, "You defeated Luer, did you just leave like this?"

"Then what does Marquis Qi think? Does Marquis Qi still want to force this unmarried old woman to my son? What a joke." Yun Qing sneered coldly.

"You...I'll kill you." She was repeatedly ridiculed by Yun Qing as an old woman, and she couldn't swallow this tone for a long time.

"Kill me! Hmph, you are just my master's defeat. Do you think you can kill me? Even if I give you a chance, you are still my master's defeat. But unfortunately, Ben The young master never fights with his defeated generals. Because, you are not qualified."

"Lu'er back down." Qi Mingyang scolded, looked at Yun Qing and said, "Yun Yin, don't think that you can do whatever you want with someone backing you up. Lu'er, if you don't want to marry, you must marry me."

"Master Hou is so arrogant!" Chu Limo glanced coldly at Qi Mingyang, with murderous intent in his eyes. "It seems that Lord Hou has forgotten the lesson of young master Qi. Since Lord Hou wants to send this old woman to his door so much, I don't mind giving her a ride."

"Papa...that's really interesting!" Yuhen, who had been silent all this time, suddenly laughed, "Does Lord Qi want to force the marriage in front of the prince?"

With these words, it was already clear that he wanted to stand on Yun Qing's side.

"His Royal Highness, this matter is a matter of the minister's family, and please do not interfere with it."

"If the prince insists on meddling." There was no trace of warmth in Yuhen's tone.Then he continued: "Mr. Yechen and Mr. Yunyin are friends of the prince. In Xiyue, the prince does not allow anyone to make things difficult for them. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the prince."

"Brother, are you going to use the prince's coercion to overwhelm others?" At this time, the sixth prince also said.

Yuhen didn't even look at the sixth prince, but continued to glance at Qi Mingyang, and said: "Qi Hou Ye is a smart man, I think Qi Hou Ye will figure it out. This marriage is void."

Threats, blatant threats.So what if he used the coercion of the prince to overwhelm others?
"I obey the order." Qi Mingyang was not reconciled, and finally had to answer.

Chu Limo was not grateful to Yuhen at all.Even if Yuhen doesn't make a move, he can still deal with this old fellow Qi Mingyang.It's just that he didn't expect that Yuhen would come to intervene in the end.

"Let's go." Chu Limo looked at Leng and glanced at Yuhen, then pulled Yun Qing away.On the other hand, Chu Liyou didn't forget to look back at Yuhen when he left.

Back in Yun Mansion, Yun Qing immediately asked Nong Hua to find out everything about Qi Lu.

When Nonghua put all the news about Qi Lu in front of her, Yun Qing became more certain about one thing.The real Qi Lu is probably dead, this Qi Lu is Mi Lu.

(End of this chapter)

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