The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 392: The Living Dead

Chapter 392: The Living Dead (1)
"Ah! She's not dead! She's not dead!" Bai Yue was terrified by the touch just now.A person who is obviously dead, but finds that there is still temperature in the coffin, isn't it going to scare Bai Yue?

Bai Yue's scream also made Qi Rong and Yun Qing stunned.Yun Qing forcefully pushed the entire coffin lid away.Put your hand on the tip of her mother's nose.This time, Yun Qing was also stunned.

"There is still temperature, she is still breathing. Mother is really not dead." Yun Qing said excitedly: "Mother, you are not dead, right? Open your eyes and see, I am Qinger. I am your Qinger Son."

Yun Qing didn't know why her mother, who was clearly dead, didn't die, but this news was finally good news.Mother is not dead, if grandpa and uncle find out, they will be very happy.

But it doesn't matter how Yun Qing calls her.Wang Luoyan, who was lying in the coffin, just didn't open her eyes.motionless.It seemed that the outside voices had nothing to do with her, and she couldn't hear them either.

"Mother, open your eyes and look at me!"

"She's really alive, how could this be? Hasn't she been lying here for more than ten years?" Knowing that she is not a dead person, but really alive, Bai Yue is not so afraid anymore.

Qi Rong stepped forward, grabbed the excited Yun Qing, and said: "Sister Qing, stop shouting, Aunt Yan can't hear you at all. She is no different from a dead person now."

Yun Qing looked at the woman in the coffin, she was in the state of a living dead now.But all of this was caused by Qi Mingyang who made her mother look like this.This hatred, she must return Qi Mingyang thousands of times.

"I want to take mother away, I want to take mother away now." She couldn't let mother stay in this ghost place for a moment.Knowing that mother is still alive, she must take mother out and save mother.

Qi Mingyang turned his mother into a living dead and imprisoned him here, because he wanted his mother to be with him forever.

"Sister Qing, calm down, calm down."

"Calm down!" Yun Qing looked at Qi Rong, "How can you make me calm down, do you want me to watch my mother live here without human beings or ghosts? I can't do it, I must take my mother away. "

"Yunqing." Seeing Yunqing's sudden loss of control, Bai Yue pulled Yunqing back.At this moment, a sound suddenly came from the forbidden area.

"Someone is coming in, let's go quickly." Hearing the sound, Qi Rong stared at the direction from which the sound came.Qi Rong and Bai Yue hurriedly covered the crystal coffin, Yun Qing looked at the people in the coffin, she never shed tears easily, she left a tear, and the tears hit Wang Luoyan's face.

"Mother, I will pick you up soon." Yun Qing said.

Hearing the sound getting closer, Qi Rong said: "Sister Qing, let's go quickly. There will be opportunities to come in in the future."

Qi Rong and Bai Yue hurriedly dragged Yun Qing to another secret passage.But no one noticed that the moment the coffin was closed and Yun Qing's tears fell on Wang Luoyan's face, Wang Luoyan who was lying in the coffin suddenly moved.

It's impossible for them to return from the same way. Looking at the direction where the voice sounded just now, it is the direction they just came in.It seems that Qi Mingyang came in.That is to say, Chu Limo and Nangong Jin did not hold Qi Mingyang back, or Chu Limo lost to Qi Mingyang and was injured.Thinking of this possibility, Yun Qing became even more anxious.Mother and Chu Limo are equally important to her.

One is the woman who gave her life, and the other is the man who gave her love and warmth.

"Go this way."

(End of this chapter)

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