The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 417: Fate Hangs by a Thread

Chapter 417
Cloud House.

Although Yun Qing and the others were about to leave Xiyue, the Yun Mansion was still there.Besides, Yun Qing was injured and needed to find a quiet place for treatment.Yunfu is the best place.Even Qi Mingyang would not dare to break into this place easily.However, this time the matter was exposed, and it would take a lot of effort to find Wang Luoyan's real whereabouts.

"Go get a basin of clean warm water." Nangong Jin shouted.Bai Yue hurriedly went to fetch warm water, Chu Limo hugged Yun Qing all the time, Yun Qing was hurt in the back, and the dagger was still stuck in her back, Yun Qing couldn't lie down at all.

"There is poison on the dagger, which is exactly the same as the poison on the poisonous needle I took at that time. Now I have to pull out the dagger." Nangong Jin looked at Yun Qing whose face was becoming more and more ugly, and pointed to the needle stuck behind Yun Qing. The dagger on his back said: "Also, the dagger has already passed through Yun Qing's body. When pulling out the dagger, if Yun Qing can't bear it, she may..." Even if he is here, he may not be able to save Yun Qing .After all, the dagger was smeared with poison, and the dagger had already penetrated Yun Qing's body.And now he doesn't have any pills to cure all kinds of poisons. That kind of thing is extremely precious and has already been used up. They are in Xiyue, and they can't find precious medicinal herbs to refine it.

But Yun Qing was different from his situation at that time. At that time, he was hit by a poisonous needle, and Chu Limo helped him pull out the poisonous needle in time, and used his internal force to suppress the spread of the poison on his body in time.But Yun Qing is now bleeding profusely with the dagger in her body.In addition, the dagger was smeared with poison.May die at any time.

He also listened to Chu Limo's explanation along the way in the carriage, and this Qi Mingyang was indeed an unfathomable old fox.I already knew that they have already entered the forbidden area, and they will continue to break into the forbidden area, so I have already set up the trap and waited for them.What's more, he actually asked someone to pretend to be Yun Qing's mother, which gave the woman an opportunity to hurt Yun Qing.

"Qingqing will be fine." Chu Limo looked at Nangong Jin and said firmly.His cleanliness will be fine.

"Water is here." Bai Yue called warm water and brought a clean towel.

At this moment, Yun Qing slightly opened her eyes and found that she was still lying in Chu Limo's arms.

"Qingqing." There was a trace of tremor in Chu Limo's voice, he was afraid.Because of Nangong Jin's words, he was afraid, afraid that Qingqing would leave him.

"Yun Qing." Bai Yue looked at Yun Qing's appearance, crying in her frightened voice.

"You are all here." Yun Qing felt so painful.

"Yunqing, the dagger is smeared with poison. I have to pull it out for you now. The process of pulling it out is very painful. You must hold on." Now that there is no time to waste, Nangong Jin looked at Yun Qing and said.

"En." Yun Qing nodded, "I entrust my life to your hands, you can take it. I... can hold on." After finishing speaking, Yun Qing closed her eyes slightly again in pain.She has come through so many times of bloody storms and hail of bullets.She will hold on this time too.

"Evil girl, come and help, you hold Yun Qing and don't let her move." Nangong Jin shouted.Bai Yue nodded and walked over to grab Yun Qing.Nangong Jin glanced at Chu Limo again, "Hold on tight, don't let Yun Qing move."

Nangong Jin walked behind Yun Qing, took out the scissors, and carefully cut a hole for the dagger, Yun Qing's back immediately appeared in front of Nangong Jin, and at this time, he didn't care about the defense between men and women .When Yun Qing was hit by the dagger, the wound had already turned black, obviously the poison had already begun to erode into Yun Qing's body.Nangong Jin sprinkled the medicine powder on the wound again, then took out a pill and put it into Yun Qing's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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