The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 425 1 Furious Crowned Beauty

Chapter 425: An Angry Crowned Beauty (3)
"Your Highness, I found nothing but a crystal coffin, and a woman was lying in the coffin." Chi Yu, Yuhen's bodyguard, searched the entire Qi Mansion again, but found nothing. The crystal coffin was found in the forbidden area.

"Don't touch her!" Qi Mingyang suddenly shouted like crazy.But Naihe had already been seriously injured, and now he was stopped by Yuhen's people, he couldn't move at all.

Yuhen narrowed his eyes, "Take the person and the coffin away together." Then Yuhen stared at Qi Mingyang and said coldly: "The person in the coffin is very important to you, Lord Hou? Take out the antidote. Otherwise, I don't have that much patience."

Soon, Yuhen's people carried out the crystal coffin.Yuhen glanced at the person in the crystal coffin.I feel that this woman is very familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere.

Seeing the coffin being carried out, Qi Mingyang shouted like crazy: "Xiaoyan! Don't be afraid, don't be afraid! I will save you. I won't let anyone hurt you." Qi Mingyang looked at Yuhen, "His Royal Highness, if you want the old man's life, the old man can give it to you, but please don't hurt Xiaoyan."

"I only need an antidote."

"His Royal Highness! Lihunsan is a unique poison that has been handed down by my Qi family for decades. There is no antidote for Lihunsan at all, and those who suffer from Lihunsan can only die."

"Take it away!" Yuhen said.

"His Royal Highness, do you know why Yun Yin broke into the Qi Mansion at night, and why the old man lost his soul? It was because of Xiaoyan. Yun Yin broke into the Qi Mansion at night, just to take Xiao Yan away. His Royal Highness The relationship between you and Yun Yin is unusual. Otherwise, His Highness the Crown Prince would not have personally come to find the old man to ask for an antidote. But if His Highness the Crown Prince hurt Xiaoyan, what would Yun Yin do to you, His Highness the Crown Prince?" Qi Mingyang shouted .

He is taking a gamble.What is the close relationship between Gai Yunyin and Xiaoyan?Although until now he has not found out what is the relationship between Yunyin and Xiaoyan.But that fake Xiaoyan can make Yun Yin lose his guard, so that proves it.The relationship between Xiaoyan and Yunyin is very close.

And Yuhen personally came to ask for the antidote, which also explained a problem, the relationship between Yuhen and Yunyin was also very close.

"Take the coffin away. As for Lord Hou, think about it carefully. If you don't see the antidote, the person in the coffin, I guarantee that she will be wiped out!" Yuhen said.There was no emotion in the tone.

"Little Yan!"

After leaving the Qi Mansion, Yuhen ordered: "Go and find out who the woman in the coffin is and what is the relationship with her." After a pause, Yuhen said: "Order, before tomorrow, no matter what the price We need to find another thousand-year-old snow lotus."

"Yes, my subordinate will go in and do it right away." Akabane replied.

The killing in Jinling City is still going on, because Lihun San is just like what Qi Mingyang said, it has no antidote.But Chu Limo also said that if Qi Mingyang didn't hand over the antidote, people would continue to die in Jinling City.So far, including the people of the Qi Mansion, more than 200 people have died in Jinling City.Five or six ministers and dignitaries died.These people are all people who have deep friendship with Qi Mingyang.But the killing is still going on.

Cloud House.

Yun Qing has not fallen asleep, she is afraid that once she falls asleep, she will not be able to wake up again.So she dared not sleep.

"Li Mo, I want to go to the Qi Mansion again." In the room, only Yun Qing and Chu Limo were left.Yun Qing leaned against Chu Limo's arms and said softly.She heard their words.Sure enough, she was really going to die, so before that, she must kill Qi Mingyang to avenge her mother.Also, she wanted to rescue her mother.

(End of this chapter)

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