The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 432: Yun Mansion Besieged

Chapter 432: Yun Mansion Besieged (1)
Cloud House.

The incident of Yun Qing's poisoning was finally over.Yun Qing's poison was cured, and the wounds on his body began to heal slowly, while Chu Limo was also safe and sound.God favored them.

The weather in March in Xiyue is warm and warm with a breeze.In such a beautiful weather, Yun Qing is not willing to lie in bed all the time.So she asked Nongyue to set up a swing in the yard and put a soft chair under the big tree.

Seeing that Chu Limo is fine now, her heart still cannot be completely let go.Qi Mingyang is dead now, and the box of Lihunsan that was in her mother's hand has not been retrieved, and her mother's whereabouts are also unknown.Mother is a living dead, no one will hide her, it is impossible for her to disappear suddenly without a trace.

The most important thing now is to quickly find her mother and Li Hun San.Then he left Xiyue to find several other medicinal materials.She didn't want to see Chu Limo's crazy look anymore, she felt very distressed by that look.

Chu Limo, Yun Qing, Nangong Jin and Bai Yue sat in the yard together.Yun Qing frowned, "What's going on outside the mansion?"

Yun Qing originally thought of going to the forbidden area of ​​the Qi Mansion to see if she could find any traces of her mother.But before stepping out of the mansion, Xiyue's forbidden army stopped him.That's the forbidden army of Xiyue Palace!Emperor Xiyue actually dispatched the forbidden army guarding the palace to surround this Yunfu.

Yun Qing didn't know what Chu Limo and the others did, and why they angered Emperor Xiyue and sent the imperial army to surround Yunfu.

Nangong Jin glanced at Chu Limo, and then explained the ins and outs of the matter, "At that time, there was no solution to the poison on your body. Seeing that you were getting closer and closer to the poison. He wanted to force Qi Mingyang to hand over the antidote. After going up and down the Qi Mansion, he even let out a message that Qi Mingyang would not hand over the antidote, and would kill one person every 10 minutes. It was the princes and ministers of Xiyue who were killed. So can Emperor Xiyue not be angry?"

Now Emperor Xiyue didn't directly level the Yun Mansion, they were lucky to rush in and start a killing spree.Otherwise, with their strength, there is no way to get out of this Yunfu safely.You know, he has lost all his martial arts now.Yun Qing was in a coma again at that time, and Chu Limo was in a frenzy again.Of course, with Chu Limo's appearance at the time, it was not impossible to kill all the forbidden troops outside the mansion.But at that time, Chu Limo would not only kill the forbidden army, but also kill them all.Therefore, the safest place at that time was to stay in Yunfu.

After listening to Nangong Jin's words, Yun Qing watched Chu Limo hold Chu Limo's hand even tighter.For her sake, this man would not hesitate to make an enemy of the whole of Xiyue and kill everyone.Such love is too cruel for others.But only she knew that there was only room for her in this man's heart.Therefore, other people's lives are so insignificant in his eyes.

How could she resist such a love.Or it was because she knew that she made up her mind a long time ago that no matter what happened in the future, she would follow this man.

"However, it's very strange. These imperial guards have been guarding here for two days, but they haven't seen any movement. They don't look like they are going to attack. But we are not allowed to go out, but every day someone brings fresh vegetables. What do they want to do?" Bai Yue secretly observed the situation outside these two days, and felt very strange.If the imperial guards were here to catch them, why didn't they come in.And also brought them fresh food.This is too strange, right?
"Of course Emperor Xiyue wanted to take this opportunity to wipe us all out in one fell swoop. But Emperor Xiyue ignored one person. He didn't expect Yuhen to intervene at this time. These are Yuhen's orders." Nangong Jin road.

(End of this chapter)

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