The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 435 You'd better not get her idea

Chapter 435 You'd better not get her idea (1)
In Jinling City, when the dawn rose, rumors spread from the streets and alleys from unknown sources: Qi Mingyang made weapons privately and planned to rebel for a long time.And then it was rumored that more than ten days ago, the massacre in Jinling City was because Mr. Yechen discovered Qi Mingyang's secret, so he ordered to kill all Qi Mingyang's henchmen.And what he said at the time was nothing more than an excuse.

These news became more and more powerful, and it was even more unbelievable that a batch of weapons, a large amount of jewelry and letters from the dead ministers were seized from the forbidden area of ​​the Qi Mansion.And the letters all proved that they were plotting secretly, which also proved one thing, that Qi Mingyang really wanted to rebel.Therefore, Ye Chen killed those ministers, that is what they deserved.

But Yechen destroyed Qi Mingyang and those ambitious ministers, in fact, he saved the entire Jinling City people.Suddenly, Yechen turned from a murderous maniac into a hero of Xiyue.

The news quickly reached the ears of Emperor Xiyue.Emperor Xiyue was furious when he heard this, and ordered the nine clans of Qi Mansion to be killed.Qi Rong and the disappeared Qi Lu are now left in the Qi Mansion.But in this instruction, Qi Rong was not included.But the emperor ordered Qi Lu to be hunted down.Concubine Qi Gui is Qi Mingyang's younger sister, and Murong Yuxian is Qi Mingyang's nephew.These two people did not escape this catastrophe.With Qi Mingyang down, the power of the Qi family is gone, and they can no longer pose a threat to Emperor Xiyue. Concubine Qi Gui was given to death.But it is not known whether he committed suicide or not.In short, Emperor Xiyue took advantage of Qi Mingyang's rebellion to kill all the people related to this incident.

Cloud House.

The news quickly spread from Qi Rong to Yunfu.

"I've already done what I promised. In a short time, the Imperial Army of the Yun Mansion should withdraw." Qi Rong said.

"I'm curious, how did you come up with the idea to frame Qi Mingyang for rebellion. Also, do those weapons in the Qi Mansion really exist, or...?" Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows and smiled after hearing the news Qi Rong brought.

"Qi Mingyang has long had the intention of rebelling. I didn't wrong him. As for those weapons." Qi Rong glanced at Yun Qing, "Sister Qing still remembers that we separated in the forbidden area that night. Qi Mingyang's privately manufactured weapons were discovered in another secret passage. To exonerate our Young Master Ye Chen, we need a reason, a reason that can stop the emperor from angering Young Master Ye Chen for killing people." Qi Rong smiled calmly. .It was as if everything he said had nothing to do with him.

Yun Qing looked at Qi Rong, raised his eyebrows, "Emperor Xiyue ordered the killing of the nine clans of the Qi Mansion, why did you escape?"

The power in Qi Rong's hands should be said to make Xiyue Emperor jealous.Emperor Xiyue should take this opportunity to destroy Qi Rong.But why is Qi Rong's name not among the people who were killed.This thing is so weird?

Qi Rong smiled faintly, "Your Majesty, Shengming, knows that I did not participate in this matter. Naturally, I will not be involved in this matter regardless of my business."

Yun Qing didn't believe what he said at all. She had only met Emperor Xiyue once, but she could tell that Emperor Xiyue was a ruthless person.Never keep a threat by your side.As a person in the position of imperial power, the most taboo thing is that the people below rebelled.Even if Qi Rong didn't participate in the rebellion, but one sentence is good: You can kill by mistake, don't let it go.In fact, Yun Qing has always been very curious about what Chu Limo said to her at the beginning: If Qi Rong is not Qi Rong!So who is Qi Rong?Thinking about it now, Yun Qing became even more curious.It doesn't matter whether Qi Mingyang's rebellion is true or not, but Emperor Xiyue ordered the execution, even if it is false, it will become true.But Qi Rong is fine.Yun Qing stared at Qi Rong and thought to himself: Could it be that Qi Rong's life experience is related to the Murong Royal family, Qi Rong and Yuhen...?
(End of this chapter)

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