The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 444 She is my son's wife

Chapter 444 She is my son's wife (2)
"He is Minnv's younger brother." Yun Qing said calmly.She didn't feel blushing at all when she said it, and she didn't worry that her words would be exposed by Yuhen and Qi Rong on the spot.Long before preparing to restore her identity as a woman, she had already thought that Emperor Xiyue would be suspicious when he saw her, and would definitely ask her about her relationship with Yunyin. Suspicious.

After hearing this answer, Emperor Xiyue also dispelled his doubts.Laughing loudly, "Mr. Yechen and Miss Yunqing are really talented and beautiful. They are a match made in heaven. I wish you two a happy marriage for a hundred years." But Emperor Xiyue didn't know his son's heartfelt feelings, and didn't know that Yunqing was also loved by his son. fancy.Naturally, Emperor Xiyue did not see the gloom in Yuhen's eyes that flashed past.On the contrary, Qi Rong, who had been standing silently behind, looked a little gloomy.

This may be the first time that Chu Limo has a better attitude towards Emperor Xiyue, "Thank you." Chu Limo looked at Yun Qing and said softly: "My son naturally wants to have a good relationship with Qingqing for a hundred years, hand in hand old."

"Master Yechen is too confident." Yuhen, who had been sitting by the side, snorted.

"Can I interpret your words, Prince Yuhen, as: jealousy? You are... jealous of me!"

There was a silent gunpowder between the two, and none of the ministers dared to ask for bad luck at this moment.Emperor Xiyue didn't speak anymore, and looked at the people in the hall with deep eyes.

"Oh, I've been here for so long, you are too stingy, Emperor Xiyue. You don't even have a seat. Does the Emperor Xiyue want me to stand and participate in this palace banquet? If I knew it was like this, I would It's better to stay in the mansion." At this moment, Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows in dissatisfaction and spoke.

"Haha, I was too busy talking for a moment, but I forgot about it. I thought that Jin would not come to this palace banquet. I am really happy that Jin can come. Come and give me a seat." Xi Yue The emperor laughed loudly.

Nangong Jin turned aside with a twisted face, "My lord has been standing in this hall for so long, and Emperor Xiyue can only see the two of them. If I had known this, I might as well stay in the mansion."

"Haha... I haven't seen you for a few years, but Jin's temperament is still the same as before." Emperor Xiyue laughed.He seemed really happy.Then Emperor Xiyue saw Bai Yue standing next to Nangong Jin again, "This girl is...?" After a pause, Emperor Xiyue said again: "Could it be that Jin is also married?" Nangong Jin was about to speak just now, Emperor Xiyue said again: "My Princess Yuwan has always had a special liking for Jin." Hearing the latter sentence, Nangong Jin chose to keep his mouth shut.If he wanted to get married, he would rather marry this evil girl beside him.

But Nangong Jin's failure to answer does not mean that other people will not answer, no, Chu Limo said again: "Emperor Xiyue guessed right, the girl in red beside Nangong Jin, Bai Yue, is Nangong Jin's new wife .”

As soon as these words came out, the audience was once again shocked.

Emperor Xiyue looked at Nangong Jin with a smile and said, "Is Jin really married?"

Nangong Jin is now riding a tiger, and has no choice but to answer Emperor Xiyue's words. If he says no, Emperor Xiyue will definitely try to get him to marry that woman Murong Yuwan.Compared to Murong Yuwan and the villain, it is simply a heaven and a earth.

"Yes! She is my new wife." Although Bai Yue knew that what Nangong Jin said was not true, she was still very happy.She couldn't help showing shyness on her face, which further confirmed the authenticity of this matter.

"Jin is not young anymore, and it's time to get married." Emperor Xiyue said deeply.This sentence is too profound.

"That's right. Princess Yuwan of the Xiyue Emperor is not young anymore. She really won't be able to get married if she waits. It doesn't matter if you wait for three years or ten years, that person will not belong to her after all. Emperor Xiyue, you have to persuade Princess Yuwan to let her die." Chu Limo said coldly road.It's just that when he said this, his eyes were fixed on Yuhen.He said this to Yuhen.

"Young Master Yechen is right. Yu Wan is also stubborn. Once something is decided, Nine Bulls will not be able to pull it back."

"Then she will have to cry every day from now on. Do you think it is... Yuhen!" Chu Limo changed the subject and looked at Yuhen.

Yuhen took a look at Yun Qing, and said gently: "I believe that sincerity is what makes gold and stone. One day, she will understand his intentions."

"Okay, everyone don't stand up. Sit down quickly." At this time, Emperor Xiyue said.

After everyone was seated, the dinner party officially began.Palace banquets are generally to enjoy singing and dancing, and taste fine wine and delicacies.No, just as everyone sat down, the dancers walked over in their skirts.The vocal music started, and the dancers danced in the hall.For these, Chu Limo dismissed them.Don't even look at it.

"Qingqing, eat this." Chu Limo took a chicken leg and put it on Yunqing's plate.Another piece of fish was caught, and after picking out the fishbone, he put it in front of Yun Qing, "Qingqing, eat more."

Just when they came to the palace, Chu Limo tormented Yun Qingying in the carriage.Hearing the ambiguous movement at that time, Nong Yue, who was driving the car, blushed with embarrassment.They all thought that the two masters were in the carriage.But only Chu Limo and Yun Qing knew that they didn't do anything in the carriage at that time, they just couldn't help themselves, they hugged and kissed.At that time, Yun Qing felt that Nangong Jin and Bai Yue bumped into the two of them when they were about to have sex, and she hadn't recovered yet.Now that there was Nongyue in the carriage and outside, she couldn't let Chu Limo do anything wrong, and accidentally broke the human skin mask on his face.

"Haha, Mr. Yechen really loves his wife!" Seeing Yechen serving food for Yunqing without paying attention to the eyes of the people present, Emperor Xiyue laughed and said.

Chu Limo raised his eyebrows lightly, and said: "My wife, of course I want to love her in the palm of my hand. I can't tolerate a little bit of suffering for her. If you marry your wife and make her suffer, then It's not something a man should do." Chu Limo looked at Yun Qing tenderly, then turned his gaze to Yuhen, and said, "Naturally, if anyone dares to think about my wife, my son He will regret it for the rest of his life."

(End of this chapter)

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