The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 447 Jinling City Closure

Chapter 447 Jinling City Closure (1)
Back in Yun Mansion, Yun Qing was already drunk.Now if Yun Qing wants to wake up, he must force out all the wine that Yun Qing has drunk.So this task was handed over to Chu Limo, because Nangong Jin had lost all his martial arts, and there was nothing he could do now.

The wine was forced out, and Yun Qing woke up.

the next day.

"It's not's not good... something happened, something happened." It was Bai Yue's panicked voice that came over.

"Wicked girl, what's your ghost name so early in the morning."

"Let me tell you, Nongyue and I went to the street early this morning, and saw a notice posted in the city: saying that a group of bandits had sneaked into Jinling City and made trouble everywhere. Now the gate of the city has been sealed, and now only Come in, don't go out." Bai Yue recounted what she saw this morning, and then she looked at Nangong Jin, "Do you think that Emperor Xiyue knew that we were leaving Jinling City, so he closed the city gate on purpose? Get up. He wants to trap us in Jinling City."

"This is what the Emperor Xiyue would do." Nangong Jin said.

"Then what should we do? Are we going to be trapped here?" Bai Yue said.Looking at the yard again, "Where are Yunqing and the others?"

"I went to get drunk early in the morning." Nangong Jin replied.So early in the morning, he was the only one in the entire Yun Mansion, and now with Bai Yue, there are two of them.

Drunk life and dream death.

"Master, this is the news from Da Chu just now." Shuangshuang handed a letter to Chu Limo.Chu Limo opened it and looked. Inside the letter, there was another letter with big characters written by Yun Qing personally.

"This is for me." Yun Qing frowned as he saw that there was a letter for himself inside the letter.This should be given to her by her second cousin. Could it be that something happened to them?
Yun Qing also opened the letter and read, it only read: Grandpa is critically ill!Come back soon!

Seeing those six words, Yun Qing's heart suddenly sank.

"Grandpa had an accident. I want to go back to Dachu." Yun Qing had only one thought, her grandfather who loved her the most was sick, and she wanted to go back to see him.

"Qingqing, you are looking at what is said here." Chu Limo handed the letter in his hand to Yun Qing to read, and Yun Qing's face changed slightly when he saw the last content of the letter, "Grandpa, he ..."

Now, Yun Qing was a little confused about what the hell was going on with her grandfather and second cousin?
"According to reports from our people, people from Yuhen appear frequently in Dachu. They must have made some moves and were discovered by Wang Ziqing, so they came up with such a trick. Qingqing, don't forget, Da Chu is Wang Ziqing's domain. Wang Ziqing knows exactly what Yuhen wants to do." Chu Limo said: "Qingqing, you are looking at the handwriting on this letter and the letter on this letter. handwriting."

Yun Qing took a closer look, and after looking at it, he really found a clue.It read: Grandpa is critically ill!Come back soon!The handwriting on this letter was obviously written by someone deliberately imitating the second cousin's handwriting, but unfortunately, the imitation did not look like it.And when she just opened the letter to read, she didn't pay attention to the handwriting at all, so she ignored it.And the other letter was in the handwriting of the second cousin.

"If my guess is right, this letter should be written by the old general, but he didn't expect his good grandson to open it, so he explained the reason at the back of the letter. People from Yuhen frequent the palace. , so it is possible that the old general came up with such a method, deliberately spreading the news that he is critically ill. In addition, the old general Wang wanted Qingqing, and he thought that he would use this method to let Qingqing go back."

Yun Qing pouted, this old urchin.

but!Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo, feeling a little puzzled, "Yuhen's people are haunting the palace, what does he want?"

(End of this chapter)

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