The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 449 Jinling City Closure

Chapter 449 Jinling City Closure (3)
"Where do I want to go, I will not seek death anytime."

Yunqing looked at Wuqing, Nongyue, and Shuangshuang and said, "Go down and get ready."

"Yes." The three of them responded in unison, and Nongyue thought silently in her heart: as long as the master and miss are not too hard to think about, it will be fine.

If Yun Qing heard the voice in Nong Yue's heart, he would definitely knock her on the head, how much he didn't believe her!

Just returned to the mansion, before he had time to sit down and take a sip of water, Chi Yu who was beside Yuhen came.

This time it was Bai Yue who opened the door, and Bai Yue couldn't stop Chi Yu, so she had to let Chi Yu in.

"Miss Yun Qing, Your Highness welcomes you." Akabane saluted Yun Qing respectfully, as if he had already regarded Yun Qing as his future master and wife.

"Your Royal Highness only invited Yun Qing to go alone, isn't it too stingy." Nangong Jin was sitting on the swing of a big tree in the yard, holding a handful of melon seeds in his hand and eating, when he heard Chi Yu's words He frowned dissatisfied on his face.

"Our Highness has ordered that if Mr. Nangong and Mr. Yechen are willing to visit the Prince's Mansion, His Highness welcomes them very much. It's just... not today." Akabane said.

"Tch, what's so great about his prince's mansion, I don't even bother." Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows.

"Miss Yun Qing, the carriage is ready outside, please." Chi Yu respectfully invited again.

"Go back and tell Yuhen that Qingqing won't go. Let him die." Chu Limo said coldly.

Yuhen is really a lingering guy, it seems that Qingqing's proposal should be carried out as soon as possible.

"Go back and tell your Highness that I have nothing to talk to him about. I have already said what needs to be said." Yun Qing said.

"This...let's ask Miss Yun Qing to go there in person." Akabane was a little embarrassed.He didn't dare to convey this directly to His Royal Highness in this way.

"If you tell you to get out, get out quickly, what are you talking about. If you don't have long legs, I don't mind giving you a ride." Chu Limo said impatiently and coldly.It can be seen that he has already murdered Akabane.

He had said long ago that no matter who dared to fight him, he would kill him.This statement is not false.

"Miss Yun Qing, our Highness said that the person Miss Yun Qing wants to find, our Highness knows the whereabouts. Our Highness also said that if Miss Yun Qing wants to know, she must ask Miss Yun Qing to go to the Prince's Mansion in person. Then everything will be clear." Chi Yu glanced at Yun Qing, "This subordinate will leave."

"Slow!" Yun Qing yelled to stop Akabane.After a pause, he said, "I'll go with you."

If she guessed correctly, Yuhen must have heard about her mother.Whether this matter is true or not, she must investigate it clearly.

"Qingqing..." Chu Limo saw that Yunqing had made up his mind, paused and said, "Then I will go with Qingqing."

"Mr. Yechen, please forgive me. Our Highness said that Miss Yunqing was only seen, and no one else was seen. If Mr. Yechen goes, the person Miss Yunqing wants to see will be..." At this time, Chiyu said again .

"It's okay, I'll come as soon as I go. Remember what I said earlier." Yun Qing said.

"Wuqing, follow Madam." Chu Limo ordered.He glanced at Akabane again, "Go back and tell Yuhen if you are nagging, and come to Yunfu if you want to see Qingqing."

Akabane paused, and finally said nothing.

Looking at the shadow of Chiyu driving away in the carriage at the gate of Yunfu, Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows, "You really let Yunqing go to Yuhen's mansion alone, you must know that Yuhen has no good intentions. You Don't be afraid that Yunqing won't be able to come out after entering Yuhen's mansion this time. If Yuhen wants to do something to Yunqing, it will be too late for you to regret it."

"Shut up!" Chu Limo glanced at Nangong Jin.Then he handed a letter to Nangong Jin and said: "Try to find a way to take Bai Yue out of the city, and open it when you get out of the city. Naturally, there will be someone outside to meet you."

Nangong Jin took it, and smiled like a fool: "Don't worry, I know what to do. It's you and Yun Qing, so be careful!"

Chu Limo ignored Nangong Jin, turned around and left Yunfu.In the blink of an eye, Chu Limo was gone.

(End of this chapter)

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