The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 465 Make a deal, do you want to change it

Chapter 465 Make a deal, do you want to change it (3)
Yuhen narrowed his eyes, and there was a stern look in them.

After listening to Chu Limo's words, Yun Qing also understood that Chu Limo came in so swaggeringly today because he dug Yuhen's mother's grave.Immediately, Yun Qing remembered the matter of Nangong Jin's departure, and the appearance when he came to report Wuqing that night, the smile on the corner of Chu Limo's mouth after listening.It turned out that the thing is like this.

"Yuhen, how about we make a deal, you return the wife to us, let my people take the wife and leave the city with your old man's team tomorrow morning, and I will return the phoenix body of Empress Deyuan to you. Of course , you can also refuse. However, I can't guarantee where the phoenix body of Empress Deyuan will appear. I will give you a stick of incense to think about it, you should think about it carefully." Chu Li Mo Dao.

"You are not afraid that what I give you is also a corpse." Yuhen's eyes were stern.

It has to be said that Yechen's move was ruthless enough, and it took advantage of his only weakness.His mother was the only person that mattered to him in this world.Even though his mother is dead, for him, his mother is always by his side.He can't allow his mother to do anything.

"Yuhen, you dare to do this. In the ends of the earth, I will definitely kill you, crush you to ashes." Yun Qing said coldly.Although she didn't know that Chu Limo dug Yuhen's mother's grave for his mother, it might be immoral to dig other people's graves.But she would never allow Yuhen to hurt her mother.

"Akabane." Yuhen shouted.Soon, Akabane appeared in the room, and then Yuhen gave a few instructions to Akabane and quickly went down.

But looking at it like that, Yuhen should have compromised.

"Madam's jade body can be given to you, or your people can take it out of the city, but..." Yuhen stared at Yun Qing, her tone was no longer gentle, but said indifferently: "Yun Qing, you must stay, Three days later, I will marry Bengong and become my princess."

"You're dreaming!" Chu Limo said harshly.

"If you don't want to, then you can take a corpse out of the city."

"Wait a minute." At this moment, Yun Qing interrupted.Chu Limo looked at Yun Qing, "Qingqing, I don't allow you to agree to him." Yun Qing gave Chu Limo a reassuring look, then looked at Yuhen with an indifferent face, they were going to become enemies after all. "Getting married is a major event. You should at least give me time to think about such a major event. Otherwise, you won't be afraid that I will kill you after getting married."

"Okay, I can give i time to think about it, but after three days. No matter what the result of your thinking is, Yun Qing, you are destined to be my princess." After a pause, Yuhen said again: "Yun Qing, don't think about it." Delay time and escape. Because, I will not give you such a chance. As for you, Mr. Yechen, if you want to stay and watch, I will naturally welcome you."

"You want to marry Qingqing, you are delusional." Chu Limo glanced at Yuhen coldly.

At this moment, Chi Yu returned and reported respectfully: "Your Highness, Mr. Qi is here."

Qi Rong is here.Yun Qing glanced outside the door, and sure enough, she saw Qi Rong walking over.

"Qi Rong, you..." Yun Qing swallowed again.

Seeing Chu Limo and Yun Qing smiling slightly, Qi Rong said lightly, "Master Yechen is here too, sister Qing, how are you doing without seeing you for a few days?"

"It would be better not to see you Qingqing." Chu Limo said coldly.

Qi Rong laughed, but didn't say much.Instead, he looked at Yuhen, arched his hands, and said, "I don't know what's the matter so late, Your Highness?"

"Early tomorrow morning, you will personally escort your wife out of the city. Bring back Empress Deyuan." Yuhen said.

Qi Rong didn't ask why, but just replied lightly, "Yes."

The night will pass, and a new day will come.The city gate, which had been sealed for more than ten days, was finally opened.However, there are twice as many guards guarding the city gate than before.

Chu Limo and Yun Qing stood at the gate of the city, and Yuhen came to see them off in person.Watching Emperor Xiyue and his party slowly leave the city.The dozens of guards who followed were personally selected by Yuhen to fetch Empress Deyuan back.And escort Wang Luoyan out of the city.Among this group of people, Qi Rong was also on the list, and Wuqing and the others stayed by Madam's side, never leaving.He even drove the carriage and left Jinling City himself.

After all the people who were supposed to leave the city had left, the gates of Jinling City were closed one by one.

"Yunqing, I have already done what should be done. From today onwards, you will move into the mansion." Yuhen said.Looking at Chu Limo again, he said, "Yechen, your people have already left the city. If you want to stay and watch this grand wedding, I welcome you. However, what you did today, I am sorry. Come on Day, I will definitely taste you back."

"I want to go back to Yunfu first." Yun Qing said.

"I'll let Akabane accompany you back." Yuhen ordered.

"No need." Yunqing looked at Yuhen indifferently, "Now that the city gate is closed, this is your territory, are you still afraid that I will run away?"

"Let's go back." Afterwards, Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo and said softly.Ignoring Yuhen's gloomy face, he pulled Chu Limo towards Yunfu.

"Your Highness..." Akabane said.

"Strictly monitor the movement of Yunfu. And protect her safety." Yuhen ordered.

In short, Yechen is still here.It won't be that simple.

But, no matter what Yechen wants to do, Yun Qing.He must be married!
(End of this chapter)

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