The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 475 What happened back then

Chapter 475 What happened back then (1)
"This pendant represents the status symbol of our East China Sea. Back then, my father gave the other one to my mother." Nangong Jin said.

Speaking of Wang Luoyan, Yun Qing said: "Mother. How is she doing now?"

Hearing this, Wang Qingshan sighed, "Your mother is still..." Speaking of this, Wang Qingshan's eyes were a little wet, and Mrs. Wang at the side even secretly wiped away tears.For a moment, everyone present felt a little heavy.

When he saw his daughter turned into a living dead, he was heartbroken.But at the same time he was heartbroken and grateful to God for keeping his daughter alive. Those were two very contradictory emotions.

"Do you have a way to save Niangqin?" Yun Qing knew that now is not the time to be sad, the only way is to save Niangqin.

"I can't help it, but Dad must have a way. We need to go back to Donghai."

"Then let's go to the East China Sea as soon as possible." After all, they also planned to go to the East China Sea.The poison in Chu Limo's body also needs to go back to the East China Sea.

"I've already started preparations for this matter. As soon as you arrive, we can start." Nangong Jin said.

"Sister Qing, I'll go with you this time." At this moment, Wang Ziqing, who had been silent all this time, opened his mouth.

"It's a long way to the East China Sea, you went, what about grandpa?" Yun Qing still remembered that there was a grandpa in Dachu who was eyeing him.

"Grandpa is fine. Let your second cousin go with you. Grandpa can rest assured. I said that there is still your eldest cousin in the capital?" If there is no one in the capital, this trip to the East China Sea , he must also go there.

Her grandfather had already said that, and Yun Qing couldn't say anything more.

"Qing'er is tired all the way here, go take a rest first. When the meal is ready, I will send someone to call you." At this time, Mrs. Wang said gently.

"That's right, Qing girl and Mo boy have worked hard on this journey, go and have a good rest first, sometimes it's not too late to talk about things tomorrow." Wang Qingshan was so happy that he forgot that these two people had just traveled thousands of miles away. The journey back from Jinling City outside was still full of dust and dust.

"Okay." Yun Qing nodded.It's time for her to take a good bath. She hasn't taken a good bath for a few days, and now she is really uncomfortable. It's also a pity that Chu Limo, who always loves to be clean, doesn't get along with her every day these days. Did not care.Anyway, she herself could hardly stand the smell on her body.

I took a hot bath and changed into clean clothes.As soon as it was finished, the butler knocked on the door and said that dinner was ready.Yun Qing was already hungry when she read it, and these few days, she and Chu Limo did not go to the city, but nestled in the woods in the wilderness, let alone having a good meal.Now, she was really, really hungry.

So, at the dinner table, I saw such a scene.

Yun Qing ate without any image.It seemed like he hadn't eaten for a few days.The look of wolfing down frightened everyone.

"Qing'er, eat slowly." Mrs. Wang said distressedly.

"Qing girl, what a shame." Wang Qingshan said that he didn't know such a granddaughter.

"Sister Qing..." Wang Ziqing didn't eat it himself, and put a chicken leg into Yun Qing's bowl, "Eat slowly, these are all yours."


"Sister, did this guy abuse you along the way?" After knowing that Yunqing was his sister, Nangong Jin swore that there would be one more important thing in the future, and that was to protect her sister from harm.

After Nangong Jin finished speaking, everyone looked at Chu Limo in unison.For the first time for Chu Limo, Qi Qi was hostile by everyone.It's a pity that everyone looked at Chu Limo, who was preparing vegetables for Yun Qing, and didn't mind their eyes at all.

(End of this chapter)

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