The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 481 Big brother is for bullying

Chapter 481 Big brother is for bullying (1)
"It's not suspicion, it's just that they have a conspiracy here." Chu Limo looked at Yun Qing, "Qing Qing still remembers what Qi Rong found in the forbidden area of ​​Qi Mansion."

Yun Qing said: "You mean...Qi Mingyang has already planned to rebel, he wants to be emperor himself."

Chu Limo smiled and said: "Qingqing is smart. If I guess correctly, this deserted village is the first step for Qi Mingyang to make a lot of money. This place is a must for businessmen. The people of Qimen chose to play ghosts here to scare the past and then stealing their belongings, pretending that ghosts are killing people. All this is done seamlessly, no one will doubt it at all. Even if the government wants to investigate, there is only one conclusion, that is, ghosts are killing people. If the guess is correct, there is that they can't take away in time." Chu Limo gave Wuqing a look, and Wuqing went down with a torch.Wang Ziqing also went there, he also wanted to see how much money Qimen had robbed and how many people had been killed here.

"Isn't Qi Mingyang dead now? These people from Qimen are still here... Could it be?" Yun Qing suddenly opened his eyes wide, staring at Chu Limo and Nangong Jin, and said, "Are you sure that you saw that Qi Mingyang was dead?" Are you dead?" Although she personally stabbed Qi Mingyang with the knife at that time, and she passed out after watching Qi Mingyang die with her own eyes, but who is Qi Mingyang.He is the head of Qimen, what Qimen is good at is using poison, Qi Mingyang has long been ambitious, will he really die so easily?

"Sister, what do you's impossible, right?" Nangong Jin didn't believe that Qi Mingyang would escape under their noses, and that person was indeed Qi Mingyang at that time.

"What about you? Do you think Qi Mingyang is really dead?" Yun Qing stared at Chu Limo and said.

"If he really isn't dead, then he must still be in the territory of Xiyue. As long as he's not dead, there will be clues sooner or later. He can't escape our eyes." Chu Limo said.

"What do you mean?" Yun Qing suddenly stared at Chu Limo.Suddenly remembered another thing, they left Xiyue, but the Zuishengmengshi opened in Xiyue did not close, but continued to open there, Yun Qing also felt a little strange.I don't know what Chu Limo meant by doing this.There are also Shuangshuang and Huaqing.Huamei, Lianqiao and Lianxin haven't seen them since they escorted her mother to Jicheng.Now that Chu Limo said this, could it be that they have returned to Jinling City again?

"Qingqing guessed right, I did let them go back to Jinling City."

"You let them go back to their drunken dreams, then Yu..." Yun Qing stopped suddenly when he said this, and then said: "You are not afraid to let him know and find our whereabouts." Yuhen is not an ordinary person. With a little bit of clues and traces, their whereabouts will definitely be found.

"Little sister, you don't know that Drunk Life Dreams has already been mortgaged to Qi Rong." Nangong Jin said.

"What?" Yun Qing said, why didn't she know anything about this matter?Why did Drunk Life, Dreams of Death suddenly become Qi Rong's.And it was mortgaged to Qi Rong, did Chu Limo owe Qi Rong money?

"Sister, you don't really think that Qi Rong is just a champion of martial arts, do you? He is a businessman, and he is also a black-hearted businessman. How could he make himself suffer when he was doing business? That's why he quelled the massacres in Jinling City." Nangong Jin pointed to Chu Limo and said.

(End of this chapter)

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