The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 483 Big brother is for bullying

Chapter 483 Big brother is for bullying (3)
"That's right!" Yun Qing said with a smile: "It's because you are my biological elder brother, so you should do these things. Could it be that you still want my sister to do it? I'm a girl."

"What about him?" Nangong Jin pointed at Chu Limo.

"He!" Yun Qing glanced at Chu Limo, curled his lips and said, "Are you sure you want him to do it?"

According to her understanding of the relationship between Chu Limo and Nangong Jin in the past few months.It seems that it should be impossible for Chu Limo to bury the bones.Maybe he will beat Nangong Jin up.Even if Chu Limo now knows that Nangong Jin is his biological elder brother, it is estimated that her elder brother can only be bullied.After all, he has been bullied for 18 years.No, it's been a year now, that's 19 years.But it is estimated that it will be bullied in the future.

"Okay, then he won't do it. What about him?" Nangong Jin pointed at Wang Ziqing angrily.Inexplicably, Wang Ziqing also lay down on the gun.

Wang Ziqing smiled and said nothing, he also wanted to see what the cousin would say next.

"You are our big brother. Of course you have to take care of us little ones. Don't you have the heart to watch your sister and second cousin do it yourself?" Yun Qing said, blinking her watery eyes full of aura.Immediately, Nangong Jin's heart softened when he saw Yun Qing's eyes that were exactly the same as his mother's.

In fact, Yun Qing said in his heart: Who told you to be the big brother, the big brother is usually used to bully!

This is the first time that she has a relative who has the same blood in her blood by her side.This feeling is very strange, and it seems to make her feel that long-lost feeling.In her previous life, she had always been envious of seeing other girls loved and protected by her brother.In her previous life, she longed very much. Without her mother by her side, she could have a brother by her side who could protect her and love her dearly.Therefore, she wanted to experience what it was like to bully her brother.

Then, sadly, there was really no one to help Nangong Jin. Nangong Jin moved the bones out of the secret passage, then dug a big hole in the forest, and buried them all together.The remaining few people were moving the ten large boxes full of silver in the secret passage.

"Sister Qing, what are you going to do with these ten boxes? You don't intend to transport them to the East China Sea." After moving the ten large boxes back out, it was already dawn.Wang Ziqing glanced at the ten large boxes, this is really a troublesome thing.

Along the way, at least a few hundred miles away, transporting ten large boxes full of silver is very eye-catching.Maybe it will attract other bandits and cause unnecessary trouble.

Yun Qing didn't think about this question. When she saw the money, she just thought that she couldn't leave it to the Qimen people.But looking at these ten large boxes now, it is indeed still a problem.They only have two carriages, one of which cannot move, so even if the other one is used to hold the ten boxes, it will not be able to hold it.And they also searched the deserted village inside and out, not to mention finding a horse, not even a cow.

But Yun Qing would definitely not want to let Yun Qing throw these ten boxes here.Originally doubted that Qi Mingyang was not dead, she would not leave such a good thing to the people of Qimen.

Yun Qing glanced at Chu Limo first, and said, "Is there anyone from you around here?" If there is, then it will be easy.Those who can give it to him, let his people transport these boxes away first.

"No." Chu Limo said.This girl really thought that there would be people with him wherever she went.You know, this place is a deserted village, how could he arrange people in this place.

Yun Qing thought for a while, pointed to the big carriage, and said: "Put the box in this carriage, squeeze it to put it down. This carriage is left to mother. You are freeing up a horse, Buy a carriage when we get to the next town."

So Yun Qing, are you really planning to transport these ten boxes to the East China Sea?
In the end, the ten boxes were placed on the largest carriage. Wang Luoyan, Chu Liyou, Bai Yue, and Xiaoxiao sat in another carriage, and Nonghua and Nongyue drove them. I let it out.In the end, Chu Limo and Yun Qing rode a horse together, and Nangong Jin and Wang Ziqing rode a horse together.But Nangong Jin was not willing to give up the carriage to them at that time.He just finished burying the pile of bones, and now this sister is playing tricks on him again, saying that he can't give it any more.He didn't want to share a horse with Wang Ziqing.

But Yunqing made up his mind to bully Nangong Jin to the end. In the end, Nangong Jin was defeated.He obediently led his horse to Yun Qing, "Ma'er, you have to be obedient, the eldest brother will come to pick you up." Then Nangong Jin glared at Chu Limo again, of course he couldn't bear to stare at his sister, He could only stare at Chu Limo, "You have to treat my Bai Xue well, and don't bully it. If you bully it, I will never end with you."

Yun Qing pouted and looked at this elder brother, how much exaggeration is needed?Chu Limo and Li An didn't give Nangong Jin a look, and gently hugged Yun Qing's waist. When Yun Qing came to his senses, the two of them were already sitting firmly on the horseback.Then, only Nangong Jin was left with a face of ashes.

This way, I think it will be interesting, and I won't feel bored.Wang Ziqing smiled, "Brother, come up quickly."

Fortunately, it was not far from the next town. A day later, the group went to the next town and bought a carriage.After resting in this town for a night, the group did not delay on the road. After nearly half a month of stopping and stopping along the way, nothing happened in this half month, but the eldest brother Nangong Jin was killed by Yun Qing. The bullying was brutal enough.But looking at Nangong Jin's appearance, he seemed to be enjoying it too.

Another day passed, and the group finally arrived at their destination—Donghai Town—before the sun went down.

(End of this chapter)

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