The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 485: The Adventure of Picking Flowers in the East China Sea Town

Chapter 485: The Adventure of Picking Flowers in the East China Sea Town (2)
"They've been away for three days, why haven't they come back?" It doesn't take so long to pick flowers.

Chu Limo explained: "This flower usually only blooms for an hour, and it only blooms once in ten years. The flower bloomed once ten years ago, and this time it bloomed in the past few days. So they can only wait there Watch it bloom."

Yun Qing nodded after listening, it turned out to be the case.However, this Penglai Island sounds like a mysterious place.Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo, "Even you can't find it, don't you know where Penglai is?"

"Well." Chu Limo nodded, "Non-Nangong family members are not allowed to enter Penglai Island. Once outsiders break into Penglai privately, they can only die in this vast sea. In this world, except for the Nangong family I can't find where Penglai Island is. This is the Nangong family's decision for thousands of years. It is precisely because of this that the world has passed down Penglai as a very mysterious place. It is precisely because of its mystery that it can be peaceful in this troubled world It has existed quietly for thousands of years."

At this moment, on a rocky cliff in the small town of Donghai.

The kind of flower that Chu Limo mentioned grows on the cliff, and it grows naturally against the sea breeze.The flowering period is only one hour, and it blooms once every ten years.

"We've been waiting here for three days, why haven't we seen the flower you mentioned bloom? Maybe you misremembered the time, it has already bloomed, or the deadline for it to bloom has not yet come. " Bai Yue said.

"You don't like being here when no one asks you to come with you."

"Who says I don't like being here anymore, I just...I just..."

"It's just what, I can't tell you. Evil girl!"

"You..." Bai Yue gritted her teeth angrily, and turned her face away.She was so full that she stayed here with him for three days, but he didn't appreciate it at all.

"Brother Jin, Sister Baiyue is just worried about you. It's inevitable that she's a little anxious." Chu Liyou said at this moment.Looking at Bai Yue who turned her face away, she said with a smile, "Sister Bai Yue, you say yes."

"Who's worried about him? He'd better lose all his martial arts. Let's see if he dares to be so arrogant in the future." Bai Yue said angrily.

"The most poisonous woman's heart." Nangong Jin heard and replied.

"Yes, I am the most poisonous woman, what's wrong with her heart. Hmph!"

"A wicked woman is a wicked woman."

"I'm an evil woman, it's like being a playboy like you. Look at yourself, how many romantic debts you have left outside, how many girls' hearts you have broken. I am an evil woman, then you are shameless and shameless Stinky man."

Nangong Jin chuckled, "You admit that you are a villain."

"You..." Bai Yue was so angry that Nangong Jin was so angry that she was about to burst into flames. "Nan, Gong, Jin, you, bastard,"

"I'm an asshole, and you're not going to get any better than a wicked girl. Unlike you, a wicked girl, who looks fierce all day long and shouts and kills people when she sees them. She doesn't look like a woman. A man who sees you will If you are afraid, stay away."

"I'll kill you right now." Bai Yue was so mad by Nangong Jin that she was about to lose her mind.

"Let's have a look. I'll do it if I can't, and I'm not a villain." Nangong Jin kept lighting the fire.

The two said a word to each other, and no one would let the other quarrel like this.Chu Li, who was noisy at the side, became very worried, and even Wang Ziqing, who was always indifferent, couldn't help but slightly pulled his lips and smiled when he saw the two people's noisy appearance.

"Prince Wang, what do you think we should do?" Chu Liyou looked at Wang Ziqing.

"This..." Wang Ziqing smiled lightly, he can say, he doesn't know what to do?

(End of this chapter)

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