The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 502 You Look Good

Chapter 502 You Look Good (3)
Time always flies so fast, and in a blink of an eye, it's time for dinner.As for dinner, because everyone eats too much, dinner is skipped by the way.

Nangong Jin was lying on the bed, thinking that he would not be hungry after falling asleep.But the more he slept, the more he couldn't sleep.Stomach is still growling.

"Knock..." There was a knock on the door outside.After knocking several times, there was still no movement inside, and the people outside quickly knocked a few more times.Inside, Nangong Jin heard the knock on the door, and said in a faint voice: "The door is unlocked, come in."

The door opened with a push.A red figure walked in.

"Why are you here?" Nangong Jin sat up from the bed when he opened the door.The visitor put the food in his hand on the table, and said in a calm tone: "You haven't eaten much for two days, I made this, I don't know if it suits your taste, so you just eat a little "It was Bai Yue who came, and Bai Yue brought out the dishes one by one and put them away.Nangong Jin stared at Bai Yue's movements. Suddenly, seeing Bai Yue's left hand wrapped in a layer of gauze, she quickly grabbed Bai Yue's hand and asked, "What's going on?"

Bai Yue withdrew her left hand from Nangong Jin's hand, and said flatly: "It's nothing, I just accidentally cut it just now. You can eat, I won't bother you anymore."

What do you mean it was just accidentally cut, if that's the case, how could there be injuries on all five fingers.You can tell at a glance that this is not a simple cut.

Nangong Jin pulled Bai Yue's hand domineeringly, and carefully opened the gauze that had been wrapped up indiscriminately. When he opened it, there were not only cut scars, but also burn marks on Bai Yue's hand .

Nangong Jin couldn't help cursing, "Are you a fool? It's okay to be injured like this. Also, what are you bandaging up? If you bandage up like this indiscriminately, you don't want your left hand anymore."

Although Nangong Jin couldn't help but yelled, she still quickly brought the best wound medicine, carefully reapplied Bai Yue's medicine, and re-bandaged her.After it was bandaged, he said, "Don't touch the water until it's healed." Nangong Jin looked at the food on the table again, "It's not that there are no cooks in the kitchen. Look at your injuries like this, and you have to ask someone else Take care of you."

Bai Yue just nodded and didn't reply.But at that time, she just wanted to cook some food for him by herself. How could she have imagined that she had never been in the kitchen, and she didn't know that cooking a meal was so hard.When she was in Xiyue back then, she was on the sidelines helping out. Seeing Xiaoxiao cook such delicious food, she thought everything would be easy.Who knew it would be so difficult to do everything by yourself.

Seeing that Bai Yue didn't speak ill of her today, and looking at the wound on Bai Yue's hand, Nangong Jin said again: "Have you eaten yet?"

Bai Yue shook her head, she spent the whole afternoon in the kitchen researching, and it took her a busy afternoon to make these few dishes.

"What a fool." Nangong Jin cursed again.But the movement in his hand suddenly made Bai Yue startled.I saw Nangong Jin gently feeding over with vegetables.Although Bai Yue was taken aback for a moment, she still opened her mouth and swallowed the food without taking a bite.Bai Yue looked at Nangong Jin feeding herself with her own hands, and smiled slightly on her face. The injury she suffered today, but at this moment, she didn't feel any pain at all. The injury was worth it!

"Eat well." Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows, looking at the woman who suddenly smiled and said.

"I'm done eating. You eat first." Bai Yue didn't forget that Nangong Jin didn't eat all day today.She did it specially for him.

(End of this chapter)

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