The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 523 Introducing the wolf into the room

Chapter 523 Introducing the wolf into the room (1)
"Su Baiyi...Su wake wake up..."

In deep sleep, Su Baiyi seemed to hear someone calling his name.He wanted to open his eyes to see who the person calling him was, but he just couldn't see the person's appearance clearly.Then, until the shadow became more and more blurred, more and more blurred, until nothing could be seen.

When Su Baiyi woke up, it was already the next afternoon.

Nangong Jin took a look for Su Baiyi. The injury this guy suffered from using illusion before was not healed at all, but this time he used illusion again and controlled more than 100 wolves. He was completely desperate.But this time to wipe out this group of snow wolves, Su Baiyi helped them the most.Seeing that Su Baiyi risked his life to help this time, Nangong Jin gave Su Baiyi a medicine for healing.

Su Baiyi helped them once, and he saved his life.They are both clear, and neither owes anyone else.

"Young master." Su Baiyi's guards have been guarding Su Baiyi's side.

Su Baiyi opened his eyes, the first thing he did was to stare at Yun Qing who was standing in front of him, fascinated.Just now when he was in a coma, he heard someone calling his name non-stop, but he wanted to see clearly who that person was, but he couldn't see clearly, leaving him with only a vague shadow.But the moment he opened his eyes and saw Yun Qing, the blurred shadow in his sleep seemed to become clearer and clearer.

"If you don't want your eyes anymore, I can dig them out for you." Chu Limo warned coldly once.Then he pulled Yun Qing over and held Yun Qing in his arms. He didn't like others staring at his Qing Qing, and he didn't allow anyone to think about Qing Qing.

Yun Qing smiled helplessly, this man is really real.Why would the jar of jealousy be overturned as long as another man looked at him more than once.Having said that, no matter how mature Su Baiyi looks, she is just a kid, and she has no interest in a kid at all.

If Su Baiyi knew what Yun Qing was thinking, he would also tell Yun Qing, "What a brat, I'm older than you."Su Baiyi would even tell Chu Limo mercilessly: You are the only one who treats this woman as a treasure. You think everyone would like such a cruel woman.If you really want to marry such a cruel and merciless woman back home, you have to be on guard all the time, how troublesome it would be!

Su Baiyi coughed lightly, looked at Chu Limo, and said with a faint smile: "Anyway, Su has helped Mr. Yechen a lot. Mr. Yechen won't have such a bad memory, so he will forget it so soon." That means , I am also your benefactor after all, I saved your life.It's fine if you're not grateful, and you want to goug his eyes, isn't it a bit like crossing the river and tearing down the bridge.

"Young master Su is sleepy and doesn't know yet. Since Mr. Su doesn't know, then I will tell Mr. Su well." Chu Limo glanced at Su Baiyi coldly, "You really did a great favor, But this young master has shown great compassion and saved your life with a pill worth thousands of gold. So...we don’t owe anyone any more.” At the end, Chu Limo bit hard, especially the When you say "a pill worth a thousand gold", the meaning of irony in that sentence seems to be saying that your life, Su Baiyi, is not as precious as his one pill worth a thousand gold, that is to say, your life, Su Baiyi, is also worth Daughter.

Su Baiyi checked his own pulse, the old wound in front of him has healed.This Nangong Jin is worthy of the name of a miracle doctor, and it really cures the disease with the medicine.

Su Baiyi stood up, cupped his hands, and said with a faint smile, "Thank you, Mr. Yechen, and thank you, Mr. Nangong, for giving me the medicine."

(End of this chapter)

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