The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 536 What an Incomparably Ferocious Nian Fox Demon

Chapter 536 What a ferocious thousand-year-old fox demon (1)
"It's fine for them to stay, but I must go with you." Nangong Jin said.

"Brother, you stay too." Yun Qing said.Then he glanced at the old man lying on the ground, and said without hesitation: "Don't forget that besides us, there is the Feng clan here. What we are going to now is the holy land of the Feng clan. Stop it. So, you have to stay and watch this 'Guardian' of the Feng Clan and don't let him ruin our affairs." Yun Qing bit the last sentence extremely hard.After finishing speaking, he said again: "Don't worry, big brother. With Li Mo by my side, I will be fine. We will come back safely."

Seeing that Chu Limo and Yun Qing had already made a decision, Nangong Jin also knew that it could not be changed.I had no choice but to nod my head in response.

As for the protector of the Feng family who was lying in the snow and pretending to be a rascal, it was miserable.Chu Limo tapped the acupoint directly and couldn't move it. In this world, except for Chu Limo who can untie the acupoint, only the old spirit stick of Lingyin is left.But the old spirit stick of Lingyin is now in Lingyin Temple thousands of miles away.So the old man is sad.Not only was the acupoint tapped sadly, but Nangong Jin was also very rude and tied him up with ice silk.You know, Bingsi is constantly burning and cutting with swords.

As for the reason for tying up the old man: Nangong Jin said that this old man is not simple, in order to prevent him from breaking through the acupoints, so he must use the fire from the East China Sea to keep burning, and the ice silk that is constantly cut by the sword is tied up to be safe.

Yun Qing and Chu Limo had already set off for the top of the mountain.A few of them stayed in the cave and waited.

"Quickly untie the old man's acupoints, quickly untie. You will regret doing so." The old man shouted loudly.What crime did he commit? He still suffers from this kind of oppression at a very old age.At this moment, the guardian elders of the Feng family wanted to cry but had no tears in their hearts.

"Believe it or not, you're screaming and screaming, you've been dumbed down." Nangong Jin suffered from a headache from the noise.His sister and his good friend and future brother-in-law went to the top of the snow-capped mountain, saying that it was impossible not to worry.But this old man kept arguing in his ears endlessly.This made him irritable and worried even more irritable.

"I'm telling you, you'd better untie the acupoints on the old man's body quickly, and stop the two of them immediately, otherwise, you will never see them again."

"Shut up!" Nangong Jin scolded, "If you dare to curse my sister to death, I will turn you into a dead body first."

"Brother Jin, I'm still very worried about my brother and Yun Qing, the two of them..."

Nangong Jin looked at Chu Liyou and comforted softly: "Brother Jin is here, so nothing will happen to them." After speaking, as if he had made some decision, Nangong Jin looked at Bai Yue, Wuqing, and Nonghua on the top of the mountain. Nongyue, Xiaoxiao and the others said, "Stay here and watch him to death. You are not allowed to go anywhere until the master comes back. Wuqing, you are the best in martial arts here, and you must protect their safety. "

"Yes. This subordinate obeys." Responded ruthlessly.

After Nangong Jin finished his orders, he tapped the old man's Ya acupuncture point so that he would stop yelling.When leaving the cave, Nangong Jin glanced at Bai Yue again, "Wicked girl, I'll leave them to you. I believe you won't let me down, right?"

Bai Yue looked at Nangong Jin and nodded, "Yes. I'll wait for you guys will come back safely."

"Brother Jin, be careful."

After sending Nangong Jin out of the cave, a group of people waited anxiously in the cave.

It is getting closer and closer to the top of the mountain. It seems that the closer to the top of the mountain, the colder the temperature.Even Chu Limo and Yun Qing, who were not afraid of the cold weather on the snow mountain, felt a bit of chill when they walked to the top of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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