The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 543 Annual blood Ganoderma lucidum

Chapter 543 Millennium Blood Ganoderma (2)
Yun Qing glanced at the edge of the cliff. On the edge of the cliff, a blood-red Ganoderma lucidum grew there. The whole blood-red Ganoderma lucidum gave off a faint light, which was unusually conspicuous in this icy and snowy world.Looking at the blood ganoderma, Yun Qing smiled.Finally found.

But the blood ganoderma grows on the edge of the cliff, and there is a thick layer of ice on the edge of the cliff. It is impossible for people to stand on it, let alone pick the blood ganoderma.Seeing that the blood ganoderma is in front of him, but he can't get it.Not to mention how heartwarming this feeling is.However, Yun Qing and the others are not the ones who give up so easily. Seeing that something is in front of them, they must get it no matter what.

Yun Qing took out the silver whip weapon he was carrying with him, waved it lightly in his hand, and the hooked end was firmly hooked.

"Qingqing, I'll go." Seeing Yunqing's actions, Chu Limo now knew what Yunqing wanted to do.This woman really thinks that this big man is just a display.How could she be allowed to do such a dangerous thing.If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, Chu Limo would have rushed up, spanked the woman's ass, and punished her for ignoring her own existence.

This silver whip can be used as a weapon, and it can also be of great help to them in times of crisis.The last time they jumped off the bottomless cliff in Xiyue was with the help of this silver whip.Chu Limo took the silver whip from Yun Qing's hand.Yun Qing stuck out her tongue mischievously, isn't she used to doing everything by herself.It was only then that she forgot here for a while, there are two people here who are better than her in martial arts, and also better in lightness kung fu.And there is a man who spoils her to heaven, Chu Limo will never let her do something like this.

Yun Qing gave the silver whip to Chu Limo, and said worriedly, "Be careful." Although Chu Limo's light kung fu is good, it's a cliff and ice skating after all.There is a bottomless abyss under the cliff, and if you accidentally fall down, you will die.Yun Qing was still worried.

"You have to pick it carefully. This thousand-year-old blood ganoderma is very precious." Although Nangong Jin's words were concerned about the precious blood ganoderma, he was still expressing his concern for Chu Limo.So: These two people have very different ways of caring.

'Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi' the fire spirit fox called again.It seemed that it had something to say to Yun Qing and the others.But at this time, their minds were all on the thousand-year-old blood ganoderma, so they didn't pay attention to the movements of the fire spirit fox.

Huo Linghu saw that this man who had just injured himself and looked like a monster was going to pick the thousand-year-old blood ganoderma.He kept screaming from the side.Seeing that he yelled a few times but no one paid any attention to him, Huo Linghu grabbed the corner of Yun Qing's clothes with his claws, and pulled it vigorously.

'Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi' Huo Linghu blinked vigorously and winked at Chao Yunqing.That means: Millennium Blood Ganoderma cannot be picked with bare hands!As long as the hand touches the blood ganoderma, the blood ganoderma will immediately wither and disappear.Since then, there has been no such blood ganoderma in the world.But at this moment, no matter how Huo Linghu blinked at him, he pulled his clothes.Yun Qing ignored Huo Linghu's creaking cry.

"Sexy fox, I warn you to stop tearing my clothes." Yun Qing was a little impatient.

After receiving Yun Qing's harsh warning, Huo Linghu immediately let go of Yun Qing's clothes, this woman is really fierce!But, they are helping her!
Seeing that the man was about to pick the Millennium Blood Ganoderma lucidum.Huo Linghu barked even more ferociously.

" can't pick it up." It was too late to say it, and at that moment, Chu Limo was about to fly to the edge of the cliff to pick it up, when a familiar voice came over and interrupted Chu Limo's movement.The three turned around and saw someone coming.That person was the Dharma protector who claimed to be from the Feng clan.Chu Limo narrowed his eyes slightly, this old man actually broke through the acupuncture points he set.Nangong Jin also stared at the old man, who actually broke free from the ice silk of his East China Sea.This old man is really not simple!

(End of this chapter)

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