The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 547 Hey Su Baiyi We Meet Again

Chapter 547 Hey Su Baiyi We Meet Again (2)
Standing at the blocked intersection halfway up the mountain, Yun Qing stared at Su Wudao, "Tell me, where is the other road?" That posture is very strong, if you don't tell me, I will never let this girl go to the Feng clan with you.Of course, Yun Qing also saw clearly that Su Wudao wanted to deceive himself into the Feng clan.So she was sure that Su Wudao would tell the hidden path.Sure enough, Yun Qing still won the bet.Su Wudao took Yun Qing and others to the entrance of a cave halfway up the mountain, and pointed to a hidden place in the cave, "There is a secret road here, which leads directly to the foot of the mountain." They tell the truth.

Open the hidden hole, and walk ruthlessly ahead to open the way.Xiaoxiao, Liyou, and Baiyue followed, and Nonghua and Nongyue followed behind.Nangong Jin looked at Yun Qing and then at Chu Limo, "Be careful on the mountain. We are waiting for you two in Xueyue City." Nangong Jin's last sentence meant something. After finishing speaking, Nangong Jin Also went down the secret passage.

"Okay, old man, I also told you the way down the mountain. Let them go down the mountain too. Girl, should I go with the old man?" Seeing that everyone has left, only this girl, this kid and a dog are left A fox, Su Wudao said in a deep voice.

Yun Qing glanced at Su Wudao, and said in a calm tone: "Then let Protector Su lead the way. However, there is one more question I would like to ask Protector Su, how did Protector Su unlock the acupuncture points on his body."

Su Wudao coughed lightly, this girl, can you not ask this question that hurts people's self-esteem, it is already very embarrassing to be tied up at such a young age, okay?He spent a lot of effort to break through this acupuncture point, didn't you see that he was still hurt?

"Girl, don't bring such hurtful... self-esteem." Su Wudao said that he was very hurt in his heart.

"Okay, then let's skip this topic." Yun Qing said with a smile: "I promise to go back to your Feng clan with you, so can I ask Guardian Su to tell us about the Feng clan. There is one more thing, Ben Miss, I want to make it clear to you in advance that I just want to read the handbook when I went to the Feng clan, so you'd better not have this girl's idea." She didn't want to go to the Feng clan and not read it The method on the handbook will cause unnecessary trouble.As for what Su Wudao was planning to trick her into going to the Feng clan, she still doesn't know.Now, we can only take one step and see one step.

"Girl, don't speak so harshly. Old man, at my age, why would I still think of you." Su Wudao chuckled, intentionally distorting Yun Qing's meaning.Chu Limo and Yun Qing gave Su Wudao a hard look, and then Su Wudao stopped smiling, and then briefly talked about the current affairs of the Feng clan.After listening to what Su Wudao said, the Feng clan is not as good as it was thousands of years ago.Now that he has already fallen, he chose to hide from the world.Although Su Wudao said so many things, Chu Limo and Yun Qing would not really believe them.A thousand-year-old clan can be passed down to the present, but the strength behind it is far worse than what Su Wudao said.

After about a stick of incense, Chu Limo and Yun Qing were taken by Su Wudao to an underground palace.This is where the Feng clan lives now.The underground palace is built on the mountainside of the snow mountain.According to Su Wudao, there are three palaces in the underground palace.In the middle is the main palace where Feng Tianlan, the head of the Feng clan of this generation, lived - Fengtian Palace!The one on the left is the Misty Palace of Great Elder Shangguan - Misty Palace!On the right is the White Clothes Palace where he lives.Hearing about Baiyi Palace, Yun Qing instantly thought of Su Baiyi.In these three palaces, it is said that there are hundreds of large and small rooms.As for how big the underground palace is, Su Wudao said, the underground palace is as big as the snow mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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