The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 553 The night is still long

Chapter 553 The night is still long (2)
"I knew Qingqing was reluctant."

"Okay. It's getting late. I'm tired these days. Go back and rest." Yun Qing didn't quarrel with him anymore.If the quarrel continues, this guy will definitely make an excuse to stay here and not leave.

"The night is still long. Since Qingqing is reluctant to do anything, then, should we do something..." Chu Limo's words were particularly ambiguous.This night, in her room again, a man and a woman, what else can be done, no need to think about it.

Before Yun Qing could refuse, Chu Limo had already picked Yun Qing up and walked towards the bed.

Yun Qing suddenly shouted in his heart, are they really going to be here...?She is not prepared at all now!
Chu Limo carefully placed Yun Qing on the bed, Yun Qing found her heart was beating so fast, she was a little nervous and seemed to be looking forward to something.

"Why is Qingqing's face blushing? Could it be that she is thinking about something?" Chu Limo let out a breath in Yunqing's ear, and smiled softly.

"Nonsense, I don't have it. It's obviously too hot in this room. I'm bored." Yun Qing also wanted to slap himself, why is it so hot here, this guy must be laughing at himself now.Although this is a snow mountain, it is different from the ice and snow on the snow mountain. In the underground palace, it is as warm as spring.

"Oh. So that's the case. Since it's clearing away the heat, let's take off your clothes." Chu Limo smiled.He has already reached out and untied Yun Qing's coat.Seeing Yun Qing's blushing face, Chu Limo smiled.Qingqing's shy appearance is really cute.

"Then take it off." Yun Qing's tone was a little angry.

Chu Limo took off all the coats for Yun Qing, leaving only the inner coat.After doing all this, he took off his clothes and lay on the bed with Yun Qing.Originally, Yun Qing thought that this fellow would do something, but it wasn't until the next day that she realized that she was overthinking.And this man... I really don't know whether to call him stupid or to call him stupid.

"You..." Seeing that Chu Limo also took off his clothes and lay on the same bed with him, Yun Qing became nervous.Chu Limo just hugged Yun Qing tightly in his arms, and said softly: "Although it is warm in this underground palace, it is still very cold at night. Qing Qing will catch cold when sleeping alone. I am here to give Qing Warm the bed, and then you can have a good night's sleep. Go to sleep." The last sentence is more like a tone of coaxing a child.

A warm feeling flowed through Yun Qing's heart. I really don't know what to say about this man.So domineering, so fond of jealousy, but so pampered and hurt in her heart.

Yun Qing stood up sideways, pressed her lips against his lips lightly, and gave him a sweet kiss back.This kiss is like a superficial touch.

"good night!"

With him by his side, no matter where she is, she can sleep peacefully.Yun Qing was indeed very tired after running around for the past few days, lying in Chu Limo's arms, Yun Qing soon fell asleep.

However, this time, Chu Limo was not calm anymore.Looking at the woman lying beside him, this is his favorite woman, she exudes a faint body fragrance after bathing.All of this is naked temptation for a normal man.Every part of her is deeply tempting me.Chu Limo moved, and the more he moved, the more uncomfortable he became.

This night is still so long, Qingqing is lying beside him, this is really a great challenge for him.

Chu Limo was sleepless all night.

Because, in the middle of the night, the smell of Yun Qing's body was still filling his ears, nose, and every part of him, especially, Qing Qing's sleep was still restless.She kept rubbing against his arms, smelling the smell of Qingqing's body, he couldn't help it.In the end, he couldn't do it, so he could only take a cold bath.This time, I took a cold bath for almost half of the night.It wasn't until it was almost dawn that the desire was suppressed.In order not to pass the cold air on his body to Yun Qing, Chu Limo did not return to Yun Qing's room.Instead, he stayed in his room.Fortunately, his body is different from ordinary people, so the cold shower is not a problem for him.

'Zhizhizhizhi' Yun Qing was woken up by the fox's voice.

Yun Qing, who was woken up, touched the side of the bed, and Chu Limo was no longer there.The bedside is also cold.This shows that Chu Limo got up early.

"It's so early in the morning, what are you arguing about?" Yun Qing still looked like he hadn't woken up, and was woken up, not to mention how depressed Yun Qing was. 'Zhizhizhizhi' Huo Linghu kept barking, and grabbed Yun Qing's clothes with his claws. Yun Qing opened his eyes and took a look. He roughly estimated that there was still at least an hour before the real dawn.Thinking of this, Yun Qing suddenly got up from the bed, so early.Why did he go to Li Mo?Yun Qing put on her clothes, pushed open the door, and saw that the light in the opposite room was on.When Su Baiyi prepared the room, he prepared their room on the opposite side, and now the light on the opposite side is on, which means that Li Mo is inside.

Pushing open the opposite door, Yun Qing saw that the man wrapped himself in a quilt and leaned against the fire.

"Li Mo." Yun Qing called out.Seeing him like that, Yun Qing almost thought that he was ill.

"Qingqing, don't come here, if there is a cold, it will be passed on to you."

Seeing that everything he said was normal and he didn't appear to be ill, Yun Qing felt relieved.Walking over and touching his hand, Yun Qing was startled suddenly, oh my god!Why is his body so cold, it's so cold that he almost can't feel the temperature.

"Limo, why is this happening? Why didn't you tell me you were sick." Yun Qing naturally didn't know that Chu Limo became like this because he took a cold bath.

"Qingqing, go back quickly, I'm fine. If you get close to me, the cold air will pass on to you."

Yun Qingchao glanced at the room. There was a bathtub on the screen of the room, and the cold water in it hadn't been poured out yet.Yun Qing suddenly thought of something.Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo and said, "You are so cold, did you take a cold bath? Did you..." After seeing the cold water in the room, Yun Qing was just being silly, and also thought about the reason .He suddenly took a cold bath in the middle of the night, it must be because of himself.Yun Qing suddenly didn't know whether to call him stupid or stupid.The only thing I can do is to hug him and warm him with my own body temperature.


"Don't say anything. You can warm my bed, and I can warm your body. Next time, if you can't bear it, then don't bear it. I will be your person sooner or later. I don't care about those so-called etiquettes. I don't even care about becoming your person one day earlier. Li Mo, do you understand?"

"Qingqing is really good. It's enough to have Qingqing by my side in this life!" He was so lucky that he met Qingqing earlier in this life.In this life, Qingqing only belongs to him.

"What a fool." Yun Qing really didn't know what to say about him.You can only hug him tighter, let him feel your own warmth.

The fire spirit fox on the side was also chirping.That means: man, this fox helped you once today, from now on, don't bully this fox again.You are not allowed to compete with this fox for chicken legs anymore.

During the long night, he warmed her bed and warmed her heart, and she warmed his body with her body, warming his heart.They proved their deep love for each other with their actions.

(End of this chapter)

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