The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 555 Bitch, Your Whole Family Are Bitches

Chapter 555 Bitch, Your Whole Family Are Bitches (2)
"Miss, please forgive me. This servant... dare not speak." Afraid of Shangguan Meng'er's wrath, the maid was so frightened that she knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.Who doesn't know, the young man in white has always been a taboo among the young lady.

In the entire Misty Palace, and even in the entire Underground Palace, no one knows that although the young lady is the future spiritual daughter of this generation, the lord intends to betroth the young lady to the young lord, but the young lady likes the young man in white and wants to marry him wholeheartedly. , but the boy in white is indifferent to the lady, and it can even be said to be very disgusting.This matter has never been a secret in Misty Palace.Now that the lady heard that the young man in white had brought a woman back, she would definitely not be able to bear this tone in her heart.That woman must die a miserable death.

"Go to the White Clothes Palace, Miss Ben wants to see what kind of vixen is fascinated by Brother Bai Yi." Shangguan Meng'er got up, and the maid who was kneeling on the ground quickly got up and followed.

Outside the palace in white.

Shangguan Meng'er came over aggressively.Seeing Shangguan Meng'er's aggressive appearance, how could Ling Feng let this woman into the White Clothes Palace.But this time, Shangguan Meng'er won't be like before, when Ling Feng stops her, she won't go in.This time, she brought someone with her.

"You'd better get out of the way for Miss Ben. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you." Shangguan Meng'er gave Ling Feng a hard look, and was about to rush inside.Seeing Shangguan Menger making such a big gesture, Ling Feng was not afraid at all, and even drew out his sword and pointed at Shangguan Menger as a warning: "If you want to break in, you have to pass my level first." Ling Feng finished his sentence , Several other guards guarding the gate also drew their swords one after another.

"I don't know what's good or bad. Do you really think this lady is afraid? Come here, teach this young lady a good lesson." Shangguan Meng'er gave an order, and several women surrounded Ling Feng and beat him up.Ling Feng is not a vegetarian either.Besieged by five or six people, and they were tied.Others fought with other gatekeepers.The entrance of the White Clothes Palace suddenly became chaotic.Shangguan Meng'er stood aside, barged in with a sneer.

Seeing this, Ling Feng flew up and blocked the door, blocking Shangguan Meng'er's way.The young master has ordered that no one should be allowed to break in, especially this woman.

"Do you think you can stop Miss Ben? If it weren't for the fact that you are the elder brother in white, Miss Ben will send you to the Palace of the King of Hell right now." Shangguan Meng'er scolded and drew out her sword.Among the women of the Feng clan, Shangguan Meng'er is the leader of this generation, and her martial arts are even higher than Ling Feng.It was also for this reason that Shangguan Meng'er acted arrogantly and domineeringly in the Feng clan, but no one dared to say a word.She was designated as the spiritual girl of this generation.

this time.When Shangguan Meng'er heard that Su Baiyi had brought a woman back, the anger in her heart ignited, and Ling Feng's obstruction made her even more convinced that they didn't want her to see that woman.But she must meet that woman, and if she dares to rob her brother in white, she must know that life is worse than death.

In a few rounds, Ling Feng was defeated by Shangguan Menger's sword, and Shangguan Menger pointed at the wounded Ling Feng with the sword, "Today, this lady gave you a little lesson, and you will remember it for me in the future." If you dare to stop me, Miss Ben will definitely not show mercy. You guys stay and take care of him." With a cold snort, Shangguan Meng'er entered the White Clothes Palace arrogantly.

"It's Miss." The few people left behind responded in unison.Watch Ling Feng and prevent him from doing bad things.Ling Feng coughed lightly, stared coldly at the back of Shangguan Meng'er, and secretly swore in his heart that he would take revenge for today's revenge tomorrow.

When Shangguan Meng'er came in, Su Baiyi and Chu Limo were playing chess.And Yun Qing sat aside.The first thing Shangguan Menger noticed was Yun Qing. At that moment, seeing Yun Qing, Shangguan Menger's face was burning with anger.Brother Bai Yi really brought a woman back and hid her here.If it wasn't for her maid to report, she would still be kept in the dark.

(End of this chapter)

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