The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 560 You Are Your Blood

Chapter 560 You Are Your Blood (1)
"Girl, don't you want that handbook? Don't you want that thousand-year-old blood ganoderma? Don't you care about the unfeeling Gu poison on him?" Su Wudao shouted.

"What did you say? How do you know." Yun Qing stared at Su Wudao coldly.

"The old man doesn't know how he was poisoned by the Ruthless Gu poison, but he was indeed poisoned by the Ruthless Gu poison, but this Ruthless Gu was a poison that my Feng family refined thousands of years ago. Because this poison is too poisonous, back then The unfeeling Gu poison has been banned. However, there will always be some people who secretly refine it. I think the unfeeling Gu on his body has been with him for many years, and it has become one with him after eating into his heart. Otherwise, the Huo Linghu hurt him, so how could he be fine. However, he was lucky, it should be your mother who used spiritual power to help him control the unfeeling Gu poison back then, otherwise, how could he have survived to this day. " This matter was also discovered by him when he did it with him accidentally.At that time, he discovered that this man also had fluctuations in spiritual power, but later he discovered that he was poisoned, and it was the unfeeling Gu poison that his Feng clan had banned.

"The Feng Clan is really not a good thing, they actually use these things to harm people. Since you know about the Unfeeling Gu, then you have the antidote." Neither Yun Qing nor Chu Limo thought that the Unfeeling Gu came from the Feng Clan. In other words, the person who poisoned Chu Limo was also a member of the Feng family.Chu Limo even narrowed his cold eyes, how could he forget who poisoned him.In other words, that person is from the Feng clan.She has been lurking in Dachu for decades.

Su Wudao looked at Yun Qing, "No. The person who refined the Heartless Gu was poisoned to death before he could refine the antidote. By the way, do you know who gave you the Heartless Gu poison on your body? Next." Su Wudao finally looked at Chu Limo and said.

Chu Limo sneered and said, "You want to clean up the house. I will take revenge on this person and this revenge myself, and no one else will be allowed to intervene." The suffering he has suffered in the past 20 years must be repaid one by one.

Yun Qing held Chu Limo's hand tightly, this matter has always been a pain in his heart.He once told himself who put the poison on his body.Knowing that it came from this place now is equivalent to arousing the hatred in his heart once.

Yun Qing said softly: "When the time comes, we will go to find that person together, and we will definitely let them taste the taste of this heartless Gu poison." Yun Qing looked at Su Wudao again, and said: "Old man, since the heartless Gu is From your Feng clan, then you must still have this kind of poison in your hand. Give me the heartless poison."

"Girl, what are you going to do? Don't say I don't have this heartless Gu poison, even if I did, I wouldn't give it to you. This poison is too poisonous, and you will be poisoned if you accidentally touch it. The only remaining It's already ruined at all."

"It doesn't matter. Since you don't give it to me, then I will find it myself. Anyway, with new and old grudges added together, your Feng clan owes us too much and you can't pay it back. Then you will try to repay it with your life." .”

"Girl, you came here just for the thousand-year-old blood ganoderma. You want to save him with the thousand-year-old blood ganoderma. Girl, old man, I also know that you hate the people of the Feng clan. You wish to destroy the Feng clan. But, with your current ability , do you think you can destroy it? Not only can you not destroy it, but you also want to take his life. Girl, you believe this old man once, the old man can let your mother go, and he can let you go. But, three days later You must go. You are the spiritual daughter of the Feng clan. Only you are qualified to stand on that high platform."

(End of this chapter)

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