The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 562 You Are Your Blood

Chapter 562 You Are Your Blood (3)
So, what is it about her coming here?

"Girl, you underestimate me, old man. You thought that old man could break through this kid's acupoints at that time, but he would not be able to break the seal. However, the seal is not broken now, it will not be done until the day of the blood sacrifice." Regardless.This seal was sealed by the spiritual girl of the previous generation, but he still has a way.It just so happened that the day of the blood sacrifice was the fifteenth day of the eighth month, when the moon was at its fullest and the spiritual power was at its peak. At that time, she could use the heaven's own spiritual energy to undo the seal for her.

"Old man, I'm asking you something. Can people really reverse time and space?"

"Girl, you want to talk about yourself. Because you came here with the memory of two lifetimes. You want to ask who you are. Girl, I tell you, you are you. No matter which time and space you come from , you are you. Back then, your mother sealed the spiritual power on you, but sent your other half to another time and space. Your mother wanted you to live well. But the power of spiritual power is powerful. Because Some things, you came back here again by mistake."

After listening to Su Wudao's words, Yun Qing stared at Su Wudao in shock, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "Old man, are you a human or a ghost? How do you know so much?" She even knew that she came from another time and space.Yun Qing wanted to suspect that the old man was not human anymore.That is to say, she is also her in that world.She was not reborn with the help of Nangong Yunqing's identity at all, but she was Nangong Yunqing, and she and Nangong Yunqing were one.

But Su Wudao pointed at Su Baiyi at this time, and said: "Look at his eyes. Nothing can be hidden from his eyes. Also, I am a human, a human, a human. I am not Ghost." Yun Qing plucked his ear, curled his lips, "I know you, so I don't need to repeat it."

After a pause, Su Wudao sighed, as if he remembered something, as if he still had something to say to Yun Qing, but he didn't know what to say, his face suddenly wrinkled into a ball.Yun Qing stared at Su Wudao's strange appearance, "Old man, is there anything else you want to say?"

"Girl, being too smart is not a good thing. You are so smart, how do you want other people to live. You are so smart, your man will be very tired." Su Wudao looked at Chu Limo and joked.

Yun Qing rolled his eyes at Su Wudao, "My girl's mother bestowed her on this girl's intelligence. If anyone wants to be jealous, go to her mother."

The corners of the mouths of the people next to him twitched, what's the matter with their mothers!Also, this girl's mouth is too poisonous.

"Girl, old man, I do have one more thing to tell you about you and this old man's apprentice Su Baiyi."

"..." Yun Qing felt that it must be something bad.Can she not listen.

"Old man, what can Qingqing have with this guy. You can't make up Qingqing's mind." Here, Yun Qing is not excited yet, but Chu Limo is excited to protect Yun Qing in his arms.

Su Wudao blew his beard angrily, "You think that everyone is like you, and everyone can fall in love with this girl. Even if this girl is crying and wants to marry my apprentice, I won't allow it." That's like calling Yun Qing trash.

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, she cried and wanted to marry Su Baiyi, did this old man take the wrong medicine?

But after hearing what Su Wudao said, not only Yun Qing was shocked, but even Chu Limo and Su Baiyi stared at Su Wudao for a long time in shock.

Su Wudao stared at Su Baiyi suddenly, and then said very seriously, "Girl, besides the big brother on the snow mountain, you also have another brother. When I met your mother in the ruined temple, she gave birth to a baby boy." For twins. However, she was so weak that she was about to die back then, and she was simply unable to take care of two children at the same time. I was soft-hearted at the time, so I agreed to help her raise the other child. This raising is 16 years old. Years." After finishing speaking, Su Wudao looked at Su Baiyi, "Apprentice, I have never told you the truth as a teacher, just because I was afraid that you would not be able to find your mother and sister. I was afraid that if you found out about the matter, it would make you sad. Now that your sister is back, the only person in this world who can help her break that seal is you."

(End of this chapter)

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