The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 575: Hongmen Banquet Spiritual Girl Present

Chapter 575: Hongmen Banquet Spiritual Girl Present (3)
Feng Tianlan had a bad face, but he could really argue with a child.What's more, there are still outsiders here now.Feng Tianlan said in a deep voice: "Bai Yi, why have you been out for a few months? This temper has not changed at all. You can't do this, you are not young now. If this continues, your temper will sooner or later Get into trouble. When the time comes, get into trouble, do you want your master to wipe your ass?"

Su Wudao hurried out again to smooth things over and said with a chuckle: "One day this kid won't cause trouble for me, one day he will let me, a master, worry about it. I've been worrying about it for almost 20 years. Master will continue to worry about it."

"You! Just spoil him. Spoil him sooner or later. At that time, you will really worry about it." Feng Tianlan's eyes flashed brightly and stared at Su Baiyi, but at Su Wudao The tone of the skinny smile is even more yin and yang.Su Wudao also laughed along with him.

Because of Su Baiyi's interruption, for a while, Feng Tianlan and Feng Linghao didn't have time to make trouble for Chu Limo and Yun Qing.The banquet is still going on.The atmosphere was finally not as awkward as before.

"Qingqing, eat." Chu Limo picked up a piece of fish and a chicken leg and put them in Yunqing's bowl.It was just right, only the wine was drugged, but the dishes were non-toxic.Smelling the scent of chicken legs, Huo Linghu, who had been hiding under Yunqing's skirt, suddenly jumped onto the table.When one claw went down, the chicken legs on the plate were clawed.The sudden appearance of Huo Linghu also made Feng Tianlan and Feng Linghao startled.They hadn't noticed a fox here just now.When they looked at the fox carefully, the two were even more shocked.This fox turned out to be, turned out to be a fire spirit fox.It is the fire spirit fox of their Feng clan.

It's no wonder that the two of them didn't notice the figure of Huo Linghu.Huo Linghu was originally snow-white, and Yun Qing and Chu Limo were also dressed in white.When Yun Qing entered the door, he held Huo Linghu in his arms. Huo Linghu was nestled in Yun Qing's arms at that time, so the two of them naturally didn't notice it.

'Zhizhizhizhi' took a bite of the chicken leg, Huo Linghu seemed to be showing off the deliciousness of the chicken leg to Yun Qing.

"How could this fire fox be...beside you..." For a moment, Feng Tianlan looked at Yun Qing in shock, as if thinking of something.

Yun Qing smiled coldly, but Chu Limo said coldly at this moment, "Are you talking about this fox? It is a pet fox raised by my wife. Why, do you know this fox? "

pet!When Huo Linghu heard this man say that he was the pet of this cruel woman, it felt that this title was a good one.So, Huo Linghu let out a happy squeak.

"My lord, I have something important to report." At this time, a person suddenly appeared in the main hall and interrupted the words of the main hall.Yun Qing took a look at the person, he was about the same age as Su Wudao, he looked like a martial artist, this person's martial arts were above Shangguan Mimiao's, presumably, this person was an accident arranged by Feng Tianlan for this Hongmen Banquet.

Seeing the person coming, Su Wudao also stood up from his seat.Yun Qing looked at the changes on the faces of everyone on the field, and she guessed right.This person is the accident of this Hongmen Banquet.It's just that she is a little curious now, Feng Tianlan arranged for a martial artist as the last change in this Hongmen banquet, does Feng Tianlan think that this martial artist can subdue Chu Limo and her?

At this time, Feng Tianlan was not in the mood to listen to his report.He was already thinking about why that fire spirit fox was with this woman.And who is this woman?This woman and this man have been here for so long, yet he has never asked their names.

"What's the matter, let's talk about it later." Feng Tianlan said in a deep voice.The big man who appeared suddenly could only temporarily suppress what he wanted to report.Feng Tianlan looked at Yun Qing again, her eyes shining brightly, "Miss, can you tell me where this Huolinghu girl came from? Also, I would like to ask, where is the girl from? Two distinguished guests are here It's been so long, and I don't know the names of the two honored guests."

Yun Qing curled his lips into a sneer.It seems that what should come is still coming.There is no way to avoid it.However, she had no intention of hiding at all.Otherwise, she wouldn't have brought Huo Linghu here on purpose.

"I picked up this fox from the top of the snow-capped mountain. At that time, I saw that it was destined for me, so I kept it with me." As for the name, she didn't want to tell this dying old man and sick man.However, when they died one day, maybe she would be in a better mood and tell them what her name was.But now, she is not in the mood.

Feng Tianlan didn't keep asking.Yun Qing's words that he picked it up from the snow mountain made him even more convinced that this fox was the Fire Spirit Fox of their Feng clan.As for Yun Qing's identity, Feng Tianlan already knew, as long as he saw Huo Linghu, he could be sure of Yun Qing's identity.She is the granddaughter of the man who escaped marriage more than 18 years ago, and the daughter of the man who hurt him [-] years ago!Feng Tianlan will never forget this humiliation.The shame on him was all given by the mother and daughter.

Now, their descendants are here again.This is really God's will!It was God's will that they fled here back then, making his life worse than death for decades.Back then, he had sworn long ago that he would avenge this crime in his lifetime.Since this person is their descendant, she has to repay this debt.

Hearing Yun Qing's words, Feng Linghao stared at Yun Qing with a pair of dark eyes, although he only glanced at Yun Qing, and quickly hid it.But this scene still did not escape Yun Qing's eyes.Not to mention that they did not escape the eyes of Chu Limo and Su Baiyi.This Feng Linghao, with that glance just now, has transferred the hatred hidden in his heart to Yun Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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