The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 579 Nangong Jindao

Chapter 579 Nangong Jindao (1)
What Su Wudao said is not wrong, after the banquet.Feng Tianlan left Feng Linghao in Fengtian Palace and the two father and son were plotting something.But what is certain is that nothing good will ever happen.

White Clothes Palace!
They didn't eat anything at the banquet at night, and now that they returned to the White Clothes Palace, everyone couldn't help being hungry.The only thing with a round belly to eat here is the fox.Almost all the chicken legs on the table went into its stomach.I don't know if I ate too much and my stomach was full.Huo Linghu is suffering now.Aggrieved, she ran to Yun Qing and screamed non-stop, asking Yun Qing to pet it.

Yun Qing looked at Huo Linghu amusedly, knowing that he couldn't eat that much, but Chu Limo frightened it so much.It actually ate all the drumsticks.It's really a silly fox.

'Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi' Huo Linghu shook his tail at Yun Qing, blinked his blue eyes and looked at Yun Qing aggrievedly.

Although Huo Linghu can't speak human language.But that is what it means.

Chu Limo stepped forward and lifted Huo Linghu away, stared at Huo Linghu and said fiercely: "You deserve to eat so much, it will kill you."

'Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi' Huo Linghu yelled in protest.This man is too fierce.It swears that it must keep this woman away from this fierce man.Otherwise, it will have a difficult life in the future, and this man will bully it every day in the future, this cute and powerless fox.

"Okay, don't bully it either. Look at it, it's frightened by you." Yun Qing smiled helplessly.Hearing Yun Qing speak for him, Huo Linghu proudly shook its tail to show off to Chu Limo.

"Qingqing. I hurt." After finishing speaking, Chu Limo gave Huo Linghu a hard look.This damned fox must keep it away from Qingqing in the future.It's best not to appear in front of Qingqing.

This trick came again, Yun Qing was speechless, a big man was even fighting with a fox there. "Where does it hurt? Did you feel uncomfortable in your body after drinking those two glasses of wine?"

"Hmm. My whole body hurts badly."

"Then what should I do. Then I will send a letter to let the eldest brother go up the mountain to show you." Yun Qing said.She was still a little worried that the two glasses of wine he drank would trigger the poison in his body and make him sick.Now the day when he was poisoned was approaching, and every move he made now made her very worried about his physical condition.

"Hug me Qingqing. My whole body doesn't hurt anymore." Chu Limo was like a child begging for candies.Yun Qing smiled at him, but still did not refuse his request, stepped forward, hugged him gently, and asked softly, "Does it still hurt now?"

Su Wudao and Su Baiyi who stood aside felt that it was too dirty.They all consciously covered their eyes and walked away.

"Apprentice. I'm still hungry as a teacher. Hurry up to the kitchen to see if there's anything to eat." These two people really treated them as if they didn't exist anymore.

"I'll go and have a look." Su Baiyi said that he couldn't stand this scene either.The two of them are clearly bullying that they are lonely.

"Are you a fool? You drank it even though you knew there was drug in it. What if the drug is harmful to your body and you get sick. What do you want me to do?" Living with Chu Limo, Yun Qing wanted to hold him tightly in her arms and feel his warmth.To feel him still in front of her, to feel every beat of his heart.When he was drinking that wine, she was still very worried and worried.She was really scared, very afraid that he would suddenly get sick at that time.If that scene really happened, she really didn't know what would happen to her.

(End of this chapter)

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