The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 595 The Spiritual Girl’s Past Life and Death

Chapter 595 The Spiritual Girl’s Past Life and Death (4)
"Maybe it's a human being, or maybe it's not. The first generation of spiritual girls didn't tell the world about this, so who knows what she is." Su Wudao blew his beard and stared.

"To live for so long, she must not be an ordinary person." Chu Limo, who had not spoken much, said lightly.Yun Qing also nodded, she agrees with this.

After a pause, Su Wudao looked at Yun Qing and said again: "Like today, the first generation of spiritual girls injected you with spiritual power, it also happened to the second generation of spiritual girls. When this happens, usually It's not a good thing." At this point, Su Wudao looked at Chu Limo, who was as cold as ice, "According to records, the first generation of spiritual girls bestows spiritual power on the next generation, and the world is bound to be in chaos. There is a saying - if you don't do it for the future, you will surely die. Girl, the second-generation spiritual girl caused chaos in the world, and the blood flowed like a river. I don't want you to go through this kind of thing again." The words were addressed to Yun Qing Yes, but Su Wudao said it to Chu Limo.

"Old man, what you said is really mysterious." Yun Qing obviously didn't believe it.

Su Wudao said seriously: "Girl, the old man is not joking. If the second-generation spiritual girl is an accident, then how to explain the No. 30 generation spiritual girl. The blood sacrifice of the No. 30 generation spiritual girl was also killed that day The first generation of spiritual girls was endowed with spiritual power, and not long after, the world experienced great chaos. The emperors of various countries competed for the No.30 generation of spiritual girls. Back then, people were devastated and blood flowed like rivers." After a pause, Su Wudao looked at Chu Li Mo, "Your surname is Chu. As a descendant of the Great Chu royal family, you should know what happened to Great Chu hundreds of years ago." After staying in the White Clothes Palace for so long, Chu Limo did not deliberately hide his identity.

"Yes. Hundreds of years ago, the battle was horrific, and your Feng family also suffered heavy losses. Later, Dachu, Xiyue, Beiyuan, and Dongli countries took advantage of your heavy losses and established themselves as kings, each taking control of a country's territory. .” Chu Limo, as the king of Chuli, knew about this royal secret.Chu Limo said again: "I won't let Qingqing go through this. If she wants to be queen, I will send the world to her."

Su Wudao wanted to shoot these two people to death, but he didn't listen to persuasion. "Do you think this girl will become your queen of Dachu? Don't forget that Dachu is not the only country in this world. What will happen in the future is still a variable. No one can say who this girl will become in the future." Queen."

Chu Limo immediately thought of Yuhen's inevitable victory over Qingqing, and his eyes immediately turned cold, "Qingqing will only be my wife. If other people want to get her ideas, I don't mind letting the blood of the world fall into it." flow like a river."

Seeing that Chu Limo couldn't make any sense, Su Wudao looked at Yun Qing again and said, "Girl, you are now the third person to be given spiritual power by the first generation of spiritual girls, and what happened back then will repeat itself again. Girl, I'm telling you now to let you understand how innocent the people are. The Feng family can't stand the war anymore. You can't stand the war either. Girl, promise the old man, stay on the top of the snow mountain, don't Go down the mountain. Perhaps, you can escape this disaster." Su Wudao seemed to have something in his words.He just wanted to protect Yunqing and the people of the world.Not knowing what to expect after leaving here.

Yun Qing looked at Su Wudao, and sneered, "Innocent! Who in the world is not innocent, so are the other two spiritual girls? And me, am I not innocent? What did I do wrong again, you You said that I would cause chaos in the world, so why don't you say that they deliberately caused chaos in the world by using the reputation of the spiritual girl. Old man, why do I feel that there is something in your words. You seem to have something else that you haven't told me. The two Spiritual girls have caused chaos in the world, so what is their final result?"

Yun Qing's questioning made Su Wudao silent, maybe the girl was right, the things back then could have caused chaos in the world just because of a woman.But thinking of the catastrophe that every generation of spiritual girls will experience, Su Wudao couldn't help but worry about Yun Qing.

Seeing Su Wudao's silence, Yun Qing said again: "What happened to the two spirit girls?"

"They did not escape this life-and-death disaster."

"Life and death tribulation!" Yun Qing frowned.

"Yes, every generation of spiritual girls has a life-and-death calamity. They escaped and were safe and sound. If they couldn't escape, they died. Girl, your grandmother escaped this life-and-death calamity and lived with your grandfather for dozens of years. However, your mother has not escaped, she is neither alive nor dead. And don't know when this life and death calamity will arrive, if you can't escape..."

After listening to Su Wudao's words, Yun Qing sneered, her grandmother passed away because of her mother's death, she was in pain and worried too much.Her mother was unconscious because of being poisoned by Qi Mingyang, all of this has nothing to do with that life and death calamity.But Yun Qing didn't know that her grandmother and mother were like this because of life and death.Otherwise, how could one of the two generations of spiritual girls die and the other become a living dead.

"I don't care if what you say is true or not. I don't care about the chaos in the world, and I don't care about life and death. I will not stay in the snow mountain, and I will not stay in this place that killed my grandmother and my mother. My life is up to me, and it is not up to others to make decisions for me." Yun Qing held Chu Limo's hand, and Chu Limo also held Yun Qing's hand tightly.No matter what Su Wudao said is true or not, he will never let go of Qingqing's hand.If the world is going to be in chaos, for the sake of peace, he doesn't mind letting the world be in chaos for a while.

Yun Qing must leave.She doesn't have the time to take care of these messy things now.Li Mo's body does not allow her to stay in the snow mountain, and they still have to find medicine.

After a pause, Yun Qing said again: "Don't talk about this topic that I don't know if it will happen, the most important thing is that we have to leave here now. Didn't you say you want to unlock the seal for me, old man? Hurry up. "

Su Wudao sighed softly, every generation of spiritual women is so impatient and assertive.But they are capable one by one.

"Perhaps, this is the path that you spiritual girls should take, and we cannot stop it. Girl, no matter whose queen you are going to be in the future, or who will hinder your footsteps in the future, our Feng clan will never stop stand behind you and support you."

Yun Qing smiled, "Old man, don't you still want to clean up the scum of the Feng clan? Are you sure you still have the strength to take care of my affairs by then."

"Your matters are the most important. No matter where the Feng clan is at that time, they will definitely rush to your side as quickly as possible."

As everyone knows, no matter whether Yun Qing chooses to stay in the Snow Mountain or not, the world is already in chaos because of her arrival.Her life and death are also waiting for her in the near future.This fate, which lasted for thousands of years, finally returned to the new generation of spiritual girls.Moreover, it will go on endlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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