The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 606 Brother and Sister Join Forces

Chapter 606 Brother and Sister Join Forces (1)
White Clothes Palace, the night is dim.

It is said that the best time to start a murder business is when the night is dim.

No, Feng Tianlan also seems to like sneak attacks at night.However, it is said that those who like to do business in the dark usually do so because their hearts are dark. They are afraid of seeing the sun, so they choose to kill in the dark.

Just after midnight, the Palace of White Clothes began to become lively.

"Since your Excellency is here, why are you still sneaking around, come out." Nangong Jin looked at the direction of the gate of the White Clothes Palace and sneered.

After the words fell, the gate of the White Clothes Palace was opened.Outside the door was led by Feng Tianlan himself.Seeing Feng Tianlan, Nangong Jin smiled even deeper.The old fox finally couldn't help but want to do it.Well, he probably hasn't had a fight in a long time.My hands are itching.

"The miracle doctor Nangong Jin is really extraordinary." Feng Tianlan walked in with big strides and said in a deep voice.Eagle-like eyes stared at Nangong Jin.

Nangong Jin smiled softly, with a bottomless smile, and slightly hooked his lips, "Is it possible for me to understand that the chief Feng is praising me. However, such praises will make my ears callous." After a pause, Nangong Jin looked at Feng Tianlan and Feng Linghao, sneered and said with a sneer: "Clan Chief Feng and Young Master Feng came to visit late at night, could it be that they are sick and have come to seek medical treatment for my son. But... I'm afraid that Patriarch Feng still doesn't know According to my rules, not everyone is qualified to ask me to see a doctor."

These words are simply insulting.Directly call these two people sick!

But only Nangong Jin can say it.This posture, no matter where he came to see a doctor, he was clearly here to kill him.

"Young Master Nangong's medical skills should be reserved for yourself." Feng Tianlan said in a deep voice.His eyes are full of murderous intent.

"Oh! Clan Chief Feng is so confident. Maybe you are the patriarch Feng who will go down to cure this illness." Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows with a sneer.He didn't take Feng Tianlan and Feng Linghao seriously, let alone the people outside.

He, Nangong Jin, has traveled all over the rivers and lakes for many years. He has never seen any kind of battle, and has never encountered any monsters or monsters, but he has never been afraid of them.Just a sick old man who is dying and a sick man, just with this kind of momentum, if you want to scare him, Nangong Jin, you underestimate him too much.

"I hope that Mr. Nangong's methods can be as powerful as this mouth." Feng Tianlan said in a deep voice.Feng Tianlan waved his hand, and all the people behind rushed up with knives and swords.Feng Tianlan brought people, and there were also guards in the White Clothes Palace.There are not many guards, but one can hold ten of them, and these were trained by Su Baiyi himself. These people only obey Su Baiyi's orders. Now, Su Baiyi is temporarily handed over to Nangong Jin to be at his disposal.

Nangong Jin smiled evilly, "Since you're here, you won't disappoint Patriarch Feng." After speaking, the guards in the white-clothed palace stood in a neat row at the gate of the white-clothed palace with swords in their hands. A chilling air.

In an instant, half of the people brought by Feng Tianlan fell down.Blood flowed like a river in the White Clothes Palace.But in the bloody world, that blue figure was sitting at the entrance of the main hall of the White Clothes Palace, holding a glass of wine in his hand, sniffing and tasting it carefully.The corner of his mouth moved slightly, revealing a wicked smile.It seems that everything here has nothing to do with him.

"It's really boring, they all fell down so soon." Nangong Jin pursed his lips with a look of disgust.

Feng Tianlan's face was extremely ugly.How could he not recognize these people who appeared out of nowhere.These people are all members of the Feng clan.But he never thought that these people's martial arts are so good, it can be seen that they have undergone special training.He underestimated Su Baiyi, he had trained such a group of people under his nose, but he didn't realize it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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