The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 627 Who Says Nangong Jin Doesn’t Understand Gentleness

Chapter 627 Who Says Nangong Jin Doesn’t Understand Gentleness (3)
Bai Yue suddenly felt a little funny.Some people call her responsible.Obviously she is the one who suffers in this matter, okay?Also, what does it mean to be his first woman, then he is still her first man.

Don't wait for Bai Yue to talk about other things.Nangong Jin had already lifted the water behind the screen.It just so happened that there was a bucket of hot water from Yunqing, plus the water he brought over.There is enough water in the tub.In the bucket of water he brought over, he specially added some pain-relieving medicines into it.

"What are you doing? Get out." Bai Yue wanted to get up and drive Nangong Jin out, but she had no strength in her body.It was hard to even stand up.

"If I go out. Can you do it yourself?"

"You can't." Bai Yue burst out without thinking.This bastard, obviously he bullied him, why can he still run over to see her laughing like a normal person now.

Nangong Jin's face darkened, "Can I do it, don't you know it best?"

"You..." Mentioning this, Bai Yue's tears came again.

"Don't cry. Don't cry. I was wrong." Nangong Jin found that she couldn't bear Bai Yue's tears.He walked over and wiped the tears off her face. "I'll help you there. The water is almost cold."

"Go away. I don't want your help." Pushing Nangong Jin away, Bai Yue stubbornly wanted to walk over by herself.

"You look like this, can you walk over?" Bai Yue couldn't help but refuse, Nangong Jin directly picked up Bai Yue and walked towards the screen.Put Bai Yue down, and prepare to take off her clothes.Bai Yue avoided reflexively.

"I'll do it myself. You go out, I'm going to take a shower."

"I haven't seen your whole body. Do it yourself, the water is cold." Nangong Jin domineeringly unbuttoned Bai Yue's clothes one by one.Seeing the marks on her body, it was red and purple.Nangong Jin wanted to slap himself, why did he act like a beast.No wonder she cried so sad last night, but I don't know how to love her at all.Instead, it got worse, time and time again.

"You go out." Soaked in the tub.Bai Yue chased people away once.

"I'll help you."

"No need. I can do it myself." Bai Yue refused.

"That's good. I'll be outside. Call me if you need anything." Coming out from the screen, Nangong Jin sat down beside the table.

at the screen.

Bai Yue wiped her body gently, over and over again.But those traces are still there.Immersing her whole body in the water, she wanted to wake up.This time, he had been soaking in it for almost half an hour, and Bai Yue didn't make a sound.There was no movement at all on the screen.

Nangong Jin was taken aback by the silence in the room.A bad thought came to my mind.That fool won't miss it, will he?

Thinking of this possibility, Nangong Jin hurried to the screen to take a look.Only then did he realize that the woman lying in the tub still had wet tears on her face, yet she was asleep.It was just that in his sleep, he seemed to have dreamed of something bad.Her face is sometimes painful and sometimes struggling.He thought that his roughness must have frightened her last night.It made her feel scared even in her sleep.

The water in the tub is already cold.In order not to let her continue to soak and catch a cold, I couldn't bear to wake her up at this time.Nangong Jin had no choice but to do it herself, drying Bai Yue's body and changing her clothes.Everything was done carefully, but it still woke Bai Yue up.

Bai Yue saw that she had already put on a piece of clothing, and looked at Nangong Jin vigilantly, "What did you do?"

(End of this chapter)

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