The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 633 I admit that I am in love with you

Chapter 633 I admit that I am in love with you (2)
"Are you sure this hand is broken?" Or that he didn't have a fracture at all, all of this is lying to her.

"Well. Didn't you also hear the sound of fracture just now? It's just that I seem to be fine." Nangong Jin suddenly felt that this girl was not easy to fool.He was also the first reaction to say that he had broken a bone just now.

"Since you're fine, you don't need to take the medicine." Bai Yue took her hand away from Nangong Jin's arm, picked up the medicine and got up.With her back to Nangong Jin, Bai Yue said coldly: "I know, you've been staying here because you're afraid that I... can't think about it. Don't worry, I'm not a daughter in the boudoir, I won't be so fragile, I won't be so weak because of It's too much to think about. You don't have to stay here forever."

At this moment, Nangong Jin knew that Bai Yue had really made up her mind not to have anything to do with him.

Nangong Jin suddenly felt as if something was going to leave him forever, and that feeling made him feel empty.He also had no time to think about other thoughts. He got up and hugged the woman who was about to leave him from behind, and murmured: "I admit, I'm jealous. I'm so jealous. When Yun Qing said that When you didn't refuse, I admit that I was crazy at the time. I was jealous, I was jealous of something that might not happen. I knew you would not do that, but I still felt that I was going crazy with jealousy. Bai Yue, it was not my intention to hurt you. But I still hurt you. I admit that I lost my mind and did all this because... I fell in love with you! I admit that I fell in love with you!"

Nangong Jin didn't see Bai Yue, who had her back to him, was already in tears.

One sentence: I am in love with you!How precious it is.But why did she feel that all this was so unreal.If he could say it sooner, she thought, she would be excited and happy for a long time.This time he told himself, why does she feel so bitter?

Bai Yue wiped her tears and gave a wry smile, "Are you saying this to comfort me, or to laugh at me? I think you must be laughing at me. You must be laughing, why am I so stupid woman."

"You're not stupid. I'm stupid! It's because I haven't been able to see my own heart clearly. It's because I've always been indifferent to you and hurt you. I'm too stupid. I'm in love with you, but I don't know anything like a fool." You have to get bruised and bruised to understand. Bai Yue, I know you have resentment in your heart. You resent me. You always treat you with aloofness, resent me, and always turn a blind eye to you. You resent me even more for hurting your self-esteem, hurting your mind and body."

Bai Yue cried even more sadly.His words were like a gentle poison, eroding her heart.

"Don't cry. Seeing you cry, I will feel bad." Pulling Bai Yue over, Nangong Jin held her face and wiped away the tears on her face, "I won't hurt you anymore, I I won't make you cry anymore."

The kiss fell, kissing away the tears on her face.Gently holding her face, with distressed and sincere love, the kiss fell gently.Although domineering, there is a touch of tenderness.

Bai Yue just stood there, letting him kiss her deeply like this.At that moment, no matter whether she had no time to refuse, or she didn't want to refuse at all.Perhaps, she was also looking forward to this affectionate kiss.So, she didn't want to refuse.It's good to just indulge in it like this.

The deeper the kiss, the more out of hand.It seemed that a deep kiss could no longer express his urgent and hot feelings for her.He wants more, more.

Fortunately, the door is closed.Otherwise, if someone accidentally broke in, it would be an unsuitable scene for children.

(End of this chapter)

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