The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 635 The Lantern Festival Dowry Mensao

Chapter 635 The Lantern Festival Dowry Mensao (1)
Snow Moon City!
As night fell, Xueyue City was extremely lively tonight.It is said that today is a very grand day for Xueyue City.

According to the information I inquired about, tonight is Xueyue City's annual lantern festival.Chu Liyou was also very curious to hear that there will be a lantern festival tonight. Today is not August [-]th, and August [-]th has passed a few days ago.What kind of festival is coming at this time.However, every place has its own customs, Yun Qing didn't think there was anything strange about it.

At dinner time, they didn't need to call this time. Nangong Jin and Bai Yue woke up right before the meal time.

Seeing the two appearing together, Yun Qing felt a little surprised.She couldn't help thinking that her elder brother had taken care of Bai Yue so quickly.But looking at the calm look on Bai Yue's face, it's not like that at all!
On the other hand, Chu Liyou didn't think about that at all.She didn't know what happened before, but she just thought that Bai Yue was really sick, and she was in a bad mood and cried when she was not feeling Liyou is really a silly girl who is so innocent that she has no intentions!

"Bai Yue, are you feeling better?" No, seeing Bai Yue approaching, Chu Liyou asked with concern.But Bai Yue thought of something, and a trace of burning embarrassment flashed across her face.

"Come here and sit down." Seeing a blush-like embarrassment flashing across Bai Yue's face, Yun Qing hurriedly made a rescue for Bai Yue.Knowing that Yun Qing was helping her out, Bai Yue smiled faintly at Yun Qing, and then replied: "I'm fine, let everyone worry."

"I heard that there will be a lantern festival in Xueyue City tonight. It must be very lively. Let's go and see it later." While eating, Chu Liyou's thoughts must have drifted to the lantern festival.

"Yue'er, let's go and have a look too." As he said, he carefully served Bai Yue with vegetables.It's just that I didn't feed it by hand.

"Pfft..." Yun Qing swore that she would never do it on purpose.

"Qingqing." Chu Limo was a little helpless to support his forehead.

"Well, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I'll clean it up for you right away." She swore that she really wouldn't spray the rice on Chu Limo on purpose.It's really her elder brother's 'Yue'er' just now, it's too sweet and so suave.She felt that her elder brother was simply giving out dog food, just in the rhythm of wanting to torture single dogs to death.Good thing she's not single!

Not to mention that Yun Qing was going to spout, even the other girls were dumbfounded by the sound.What kind of situation is this?They stared at Nangong Jin one by one, was this the Nangong Jin they knew?
Bai Yue couldn't help being a little embarrassed when she heard Nangong Jin calling her.He buried his head low, bowed his head to eat, and kept silent.She looked like she almost hid under the table.But at this moment, if she could raise her head, she would definitely be able to see the blush on her face.

Women are very gossip, it does not distinguish between dynasties.Just now Chu Liyou was sitting next to Yun Qing, Chu Liyou approached Yun Qing, and deliberately lowered his voice.

"Yunqing, what we heard and saw just now is not an auditory hallucination." She had never heard Brother Jin call Bai Yue's name so affectionately, and could call out such affectionately.Whenever Brother Jin didn't call Bai Yue a villain very loudly, how could he be as gentle and careful as today.Now, this is the first time she has encountered it, so can she not be surprised.

"It's true, you heard me right." Yun Qing smiled.Her elder brother finally got the hang of it.Although Yun Qing felt a little sorry for Bai Yue in the previous incident, fortunately, their feelings for each other were genuine.

(End of this chapter)

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