The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 641 The man who is sullen is very romantic

Chapter 641 The man who is sullen is very romantic (4)
Nangong Jin swept the woman who spoke in disgust, "The matter between our husband and wife is none of your business."

This sound exploded even more.What?This vicious woman is actually the son's can that be possible.All the women were heartbroken.Such a peerless good man is married to a vicious woman, it is simply outrageous.

"Who is husband and wife with you. This girl is not." Bai Yue said indifferently, but said it loudly on purpose, just to draw a clear line with Nangong Jin, to show that they have nothing to do with each other.

It turns out that they are not husband and wife!
Immediately, the hearts of those women returned.As long as they're not a couple.

However, Nangong Jin approached Bai Yue at this time, and whispered softly: "I have already done what should be done, do you still want to play tricks? Madam! Or, Madam wants me to prove it in front of everyone. " After finishing the words, he gently held her, and fell a deep kiss, from deep to shallow, gentle and domineering.Bai Yue struggled, but Nangong Jin held her hand tightly.Intensified this deep kiss.It seemed that as soon as he kissed her, he would become addicted and couldn't stop.

This time, the entire lake was about to explode.All the girls were heartbroken at once.

The son actually kissed that vicious woman!God!

Shameless!This shameless man bullied her again.You really think she's easy to bully, don't you?Bai Yue pushed Nangong Jin away vigorously, and glared at him, "Aren't you going to jump into the lake?"

"Yes. I want to dance, but I have changed my mind now." Nangong Jin swept the people on the lake, and continued: "I want to dance, Madam will accompany me."

"Wow..." There was a sound of water on the surface of the lake.Before everyone had time to react, they saw only two figures jumping into the lake.

Under the lake, the two still kissed and did not let go of each other.Bai Yue didn't expect that this man would drag her and jump down together.In the lake, take advantage of yourself one at a time.

"How do you know that he will jump down." On the roof, Yun Qing shrugged.It was really guessed right by this man.Her elder brother really jumped down in a convulsion, and even pulled Bai Yue along.

"Because Nangong Jin is free to come and go underwater, he can also use this to further promote his relationship with Baiyue underwater. Also... Nangong Jin is a boring man."

A black line crossed Yun Qing's face. Is this the person who is close to vermilion is red and the one who is close to ink is black?Her elder brother has been with this guy for a long time, so he has also become a... sullen guy.However, speaking of it, her sullen male brother seems to be having a different battle for the heart.Everyone else is a hero who saves the beauty and wins the beauty's heart, but he is fine, and the two of them jumped down together.A heart-to-heart battle came directly at the bottom of the water.

"Qingqing, you lost!"


Yun Qing hadn't reacted yet.The kiss from the sullen man next to him fell down all at once.Yun Qing did not refuse, but greeted her instead.


Suddenly, fireworks were set off in the sky, illuminating the entire Xueyue City extremely brightly.

Hearing the sound of fireworks, Chu Limo let go of Yun Qing.The two looked towards the place where the fireworks were blooming, and Yun Qing was immediately stunned.In the sky above the fireworks, an English symbol actually flashed. ——love!And at the back, there is actually a big word 'Qing'.

In this world, except for her who knew what it meant, only the men around her understood.She did not forget that she had taught him the meaning of this symbol when he was in Jicheng.

——Ai Qing!Love her!

"Qingqing, do you like it?"

"Yeah. I like it. When did you prepare these?" Yun Qing nodded.

How can you not like it?This man gave her the 'love' that he put so much thought into, and gave this love directly to her.How could she not like it?It's just that she didn't expect that this sullen man would be so romantic once.

"It's good that Qingqing likes it. I love you!"

"I love you too!" This time, Huan Yunqing took the initiative to offer her deep kiss.

Under the fireworks, the two kissing had already given up everything.There are only them here at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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