The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 644 That Name That I Used to Familiar with But Forgot

Chapter 644 That Name That I Used to Familiar with But Forgot (3)
At the beginning in Xiyue, she recognized Yuhen as Haoyu, but he didn't recognize herself at that time, so there is only one explanation, the original Yuhen may not be complete.Back then, he only had an acquaintance face with Haoyu, but he had no memory of Haoyu.Now, he recovered his memory, perhaps, Haoyu is Yuhen, and Yuhen is Haoyu.They were originally the same person.Apart from this explanation, Yun Qing couldn't think of anything else.

Looking at the shocked people, Yun Qing shook his hand, "Do you have any questions? I told you everything I know. Besides, I told my secret. You won't think I'm a monster Bar?"

"You are still in the mood to joke. That Hao... Yuhen is eyeing you now. You have not forgotten what he did in Xiyue. He forced you to jump off the cliff. This time, knowing that you are not dead, he chased you. He will never let go this time. Have you thought about what to do?" Nangong Jin was the first to recover.Said with a serious face.

"Even if he is Haoyu, I only treat him as a brother and sister, a friend. This will never change."

"But he doesn't think so. He wants to marry you. Make you his concubine and make you his..." Nangong Jin suddenly stopped talking when he saw Chu Limo's gloomy face.

Nangong Jin's words made Yun Qing immediately look at a woman who had a deep love for Yuhen——Chu Liyou.

Chu Liyou also saw Yun Qing's gaze, with tears in his eyes, but he didn't let the tears fall, "I...I'm tired. I'll go back and rest first."

"Li You..." Yun Qing shouted.

All of a sudden, this inexplicable feeling instantly entangled the few of them together again.No matter how this matter develops, Yun Qing knows that she doesn't love Yuhen, Yuhen doesn't love Chu Liyou, but Chu Liyou loves Yuhen deeply. Chu Liyou, this infatuated woman.This is the last thing she wants to see.

"I'll go see her." Bai Yue said.Then chased it out.

From Yun Qingdao, Chu Limo has been taciturn, not saying a word.But Yun Qing knew that this man must be jealous right now.Moreover, it is still very powerful.

"You're not going out yet. Do you want to see me sleeping with Qingqing?" Chu Limo suddenly rushed away coldly.What he just said made Yun Qing inexplicably want to laugh.What does it mean to want to watch them sleep.Do you want to be so 'ambiguous'!
Things have happened, and now there is nothing to be done.Of course, Nangong Jin also knew that his sister was going to marry this bastard. Although his sister had a relationship with that Yuhen for more than ten years in the previous life, he didn't like Yuhen.

In the room, only Chu Limo and Yun Qing were left.

"That... you really want to sleep here."

"Sleep." Chu Limo said coldly.He hugged Yun Qing and lay down on the bed.

Ok!Since he has nothing to say or ask, she'd better not mess with him now.Let's go to bed.

Damn it.Only Chu Limo knew that he was damn jealous.He was jealous that Qingqing had been with that person for more than ten years.He was jealous of Qingqing's fourth brother who had called him for more than ten years.He was jealous that the man called Qingqing Xiaoqi.He's damn jealous.jealous of it all.

"Qingqing, I don't like you calling him fourth brother intimately. I hate it even more when he calls you Xiaoqi. I will go crazy." In the middle of the night, Chu Limo suddenly said, "Qingqing, you have never You have never called me so intimately."

Yun Qing who was lying on the bed pouted.In the middle of the night, the jar of vinegar was finally overturned.

"Ninth Brother, Ninth Master!"

"Not good." Chu Limo was dissatisfied with this title.Qingqing called that person Fourth Brother, but called him Ninth Brother, which is not good at all.

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, "Lili, Momo."

With a dark face, Chu Limo said domineeringly: "From now on, Qingqing will call me Mr.

(End of this chapter)

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