The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 657 Yuhen withdraws troops and Su Baiyi's gift

Chapter 657 Yuhen withdraws troops and Su Baiyi's gift (3)
"Thank you!" I said again.Chu Liyou supported his waist and walked towards the inn.She knew that she had to walk this part of the road by herself.

"Your Highness." Like a phantom, Akabane suddenly appeared in front of Yuhen with a calm expression.

Yuhen looked at the woman who left with her waist, turned her gaze, and said lightly, "What happened?"

"Your Highness, the prince of Beiyuan Kingdom led 20 cavalry and occupied Yucheng. The general who defended Yucheng died in battle. Now, the Beiyuan army has arrived at Fengcheng." Akabane reported.

The eldest prince Beiyuan suddenly attacked the city.Yucheng was captured so quickly.If there is no one behind to help.Who will believe this!The only one who has this ability is Chu Limo.In order to force himself out of Xueyue City, he really made a ruthless move.

"Your Highness!" Akabane shouted.If you don't go back, this Fengcheng is afraid that it will be occupied.For a woman, losing two cities in a row is not worth it.

"Withdraw troops." Yuhen said solemnly.

That night, the [-] soldiers guarding Xueyue City left overnight.But that night, there was also a bloody case in Xueyue City, that is, the City Lord Fang of the City Lord's Mansion died tragically at home.There is no one alive in the Fang family.

The person who strikes is Yuhen!
Yuhen is avenging the burning of food and cutting off the water source.

Joy Inn.

Chu Liyou disappeared but it took everyone a day to find her.

Seeing her suddenly appearing in the yard, she still supported her waist.Yun Qing and Bai Yue quickly surrounded her.

Yun Qing asked: "Li You, where have you been today? You didn't say anything when you got out."

Bai Yue said: "Li You, what's wrong with you."

Chu Liyou said apologetically, "I'm sorry to make everyone worry. I went to pray today, and I hope the Bodhisattva will bless us so that we can leave here quickly."

"Then what's wrong with you." Although Bai Yue experienced it once, Bai Yue didn't think about it.

Chu Liyou stuck out her tongue, and said playfully, "I accidentally fell. I lost my waist. But it hurts me to death."

She didn't want to tell the story, so she told a lie.

"Fortunately, you are fine. If something happens to you, tell us what to do. If you want to go out in the future, you must tell us, do you understand?" Yun Qing said.Yun Qing also didn't think about that.

"Yes. I see." Chu Liyou nodded.

"I'll help you in. Slow down! You look serious like this. I'll go to my elder brother to get some medicine to wipe it off for you. See if there is any injury."

"No need. I'm fine. Really, Yun Qing." Chu Liyou quickly refused.How could she ask Yun Qing to rub the medicine on her.Once the medicine is applied, how can the traces on the body be concealed?

"Master." At this time, Wuqing came in to report.Ruthlessly handed another letter to Chu Limo, "At this time, Mr. Su sent it."

Seeing Wuqing appearing at this time, Chu Liyou hurriedly said: "You guys still have something to discuss, then I'll go back to my room to rest first." After speaking, he hurriedly left.

Chu Limo took the letter and opened it.The corner of the mouth smiled.This Su Baiyi is really powerful.Such a big gift was given to Yuhen in just three days.Not only has Yucheng been taken down, but now Fengcheng has also been taken down.

Of course, Yuhen doesn't know about Fengcheng being taken down yet.Because the news about Akabane came two days ago, but Fengcheng was captured last night.The news sent back by Su Baiyi is also the latest.

"What's the news about the second brother?" Seeing Chu Limo smiling so happily.Yun Qing asked.

Chu Limo handed the letter to Yun Qing.After reading it, Yun Qing also smiled.Her second brother really gave him a big gift!

"Qingqing, it's time for us to return to Beijing." Chu Limo said.

"Well. It's time to go back."

This time, Yuhen didn't have half a year to win these two cities from Su Baiyi and the First Prince Beiyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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