The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 659 I'm waiting for you, Beijing

Chapter 659 I'm waiting for you, Beijing (2)
Yun Qing smiled, shook her head, "I don't know."

Here, Chu Liyou also got off the carriage.After a few days, her physical discomfort has long since disappeared.

"What are Brother Jin and Brother Jin talking about?" Chu Liyou was also quite curious.

Someone here raised his eyebrows with a reluctance, "Master, this is a careless friendship! I knew it would be no good for you to stop here. You dare to hit his idea."

"Just one question, do you want to do it or not?"

"Do it! Of course I will do it. But before that, I have to find a medicine. But I can't guarantee that I can find this medicine in this place." Nangong Jin snorted.Does he dare not do it?Not to mention whether his sister will beat him up, if he dares to say no, this guy will definitely fight with him, but he can't beat him.

"Give you two days."

Seeing that Chu Limo was so anxious to take the things in that person's hand, Nangong Jin seemed to think of something, raised his eyebrows and said, "You finished the medicine I gave you so quickly. That's a full three months' worth of medicine." , you eat it!"

Chu Limo said nothing, but glanced at Nangong Jin indifferently.

Seeing his appearance, Nangong Jin quickly shut up, "Your body has reached its limit."

Only with this possibility, he would take the medicine for the whole three months in only half a month.It seemed that his body had really reached the point where it could no longer hold on.He can only rely on drugs for temporary relief now.

"Yeah. Are you going to find that medicine? Maybe you will be the first person to kill after I go crazy." Chu Limo said lightly.

Nangong Jin suddenly felt a group of crows flying over his head, and rolled his eyes, "Your joke is so cold!"

joke.With him here, how could he drive him crazy.Even if he really went crazy, he's not stupid, so why would he just stand there and beat him up!
Chu Limo didn't pay attention to Nangong Jin, but walked towards Yunqing, and said with a gentle smile, "Qingqing, I'm tired from the journey, let's rest here for a few days."

"What's the matter, is there something wrong with your body?"

Chu Limo leaned close to Yun Qing's ear, murmured softly, extremely ambiguously: "I think clearly."

Swish!Yun Qing's face turned red immediately.Gritting his teeth in his heart, he scolded: Smelly rascal!He deliberately said so ambiguously, which is simply a naked seduction.

"Okay, don't stand here. Hurry up and find an inn to stay, I'm hungry." Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows.Pulling Bai Yue past them, she walked directly past the two of them.

There are only two inns in the entire Shuiling Town.One of them was reserved by some local tyrant.There are not many rooms left in the other inn.There are nine people in their group, plus a fox.But there are only five rooms left.How can this be divided?
"Boss, take a closer look. Are there really only five rooms? Five rooms are not enough for so many of us." Bai Yue suppressed the anger in her heart.The inn in front was originally the best inn in Shuiling Town, but I don't know which bastard took over the entire inn but lived alone.Fortunately, at the last inn, there are only five rooms left.

"Girl. There are only the last five rooms left." The boss is a middle-aged man.Seeing the group of them, he knew that he was not the one to offend, so he quickly replied.

"Boss, we want all these five rooms. Take us there." Yun Qing smiled.In this small town, she didn't expect a good place.There are five rooms, and they can still squeeze.It's only a few days anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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