The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 665 Qi Rong is here, I want to compensate for being afraid of the dark

Chapter 665 Qi Rong is here, I want to compensate for being afraid of the dark (1)
"I'm waiting for you!"

"Wait for me!" Yun Qing was startled.

Seeing Qi Rong appear, Chu Limo's smile stopped abruptly.

Yun Qing also suddenly remembered that Chu Limo didn't wear a mask at the moment, but his completely true face was exposed in front of Qi Rong.Although Qi Rong has a good relationship with her.But Qi Rong is from Xiyue after all, and they don't seem to be regarded as people from the same way.

Just thinking about how to say it.At this moment, Qi Rong looked at Chu Limo, without any surprise on his face, and said lightly, "Junior Brother, don't come here without any problems."

"Very good!" Chu Limo replied lightly.

But that look is: If you don't show up, it will be better for you!

Yun Qing was startled, how strange!Qi Rong is not surprised by Chu Limo's identity at all!In other words, Qi Rong already knew Chu Limo's true identity.

Qi Rong was not curious, but Yun Qing was curious, why did Qi Rong appear here, and said he was waiting for her.He seemed to have known she would come here.

"Why did you appear here?" Yun Qing asked.

"Sister Qing is planning to talk here." Qi Rong said with a slight smile on his gentle face, "If you want to ask anything, sister Qing, come in and talk." Qi Rong pointed to the front.Yun Qing looked in the direction he pointed, isn't this the best inn in Shuiling Town?I heard that this inn has been taken over.She is still wondering who is such a rich man?It turned out to be Qi Rong.

Chu Limo looked in the direction of the inn and raised his eyebrows, "Young Master Qi is really generous."

"Of course it can't compare to the master's generosity." Qi Rong said with a smile.

There is no need to explain the meaning of the words, everyone understands them.Qi Rong was referring to the matter of Yucheng.Unexpectedly, Qi Rong's people are in Shui Ling Town, but the news is so well-informed.

After entering the inn, apart from the three of them, there was only Qi Rong's guard Xia Jin in the inn.The shopkeeper of the inn and the waiter are far away.The whole inn is very quiet.

"Qi...Qi Rong. I'm curious, why did you appear here?" Yuhen could find out that they jumped off the cliff and survived, and Qi Rong could also find out, but she was more curious about why Qi Rong appeared here.

Qi Rongdao: "That day, you... you jumped off the cliff, and I have been looking for it since I lost the news about you. Later, when I found out that you were going to the East China Sea, I rushed there. It's just a pity that when I rushed over, you had already left The East China Sea is here. The East China Sea is vast, and I don’t know where you are. I had no choice but to wait for you in the East China Sea. I waited for half a month. Until a month ago, I heard that you had arrived in Xueyue City. I thought, you must I will definitely pass by here when I return to Dachu, so I wait here. I just don’t want to wait for another half a month to wait for you. Now that you are safe and sound, I am relieved."

Qi Rong is waiting here just to see that she is safe and sound?

Even if Yun Qing was being stupid, he could understand the meaning in his eyes at this moment.

Yun Qing laughed, but held Chu Limo's hand at this moment, looked at Chu Limo with affectionate eyes, but said to Qi Rong, "With him by my side, no matter what danger it is, He will protect me. Brother Rong, thank you. I made you worry." With the words "he is here" and "brother Rong", Yun Qing calmly rejected Qi Rong's affection.It also turned their relationship into a family.

Qi Rong just quietly looked at the woman in front of him.She was so smart that she could see through his mind at a glance.He also expressed his position without hesitation.

Qi Rong soon felt relieved, too!He had promised Aunt Yan that he would protect her as if he were his own younger sister.From now on, just let him stay by her side as an older brother.That's enough!
(End of this chapter)

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