The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 681 The Long-lost Family

Chapter 681 The Long-lost Family (1)
Early the next morning, after breakfast.Yun Qing and the others went to the palace.

The matter of coming back has not been told to anyone, so Yun Qing wants to give everyone a surprise.

Nangong Jin and Bai Yue also came here for the first time.Especially Nangong Jin, although he has been in Chujing for many years, he has never had any contact with the palace.

Wang family.Grandpa returned the military power to Emperor Chu, in exchange for Emperor Chu's peace of mind, and also exchanged this military power for a lifetime of glory and splendor. Now the palace has changed from the first-rank general's mansion to the Chu prince's mansion.

It's just that Emperor Chu didn't expect that the eldest cousin would become the youngest prime minister of Da Chu.Under one person, above ten thousand people.

Yes, last October, after Mu Yuanfeng died.The position of prime minister was vacated.When everyone was looking forward to who would become the prime minister, Wang Zixuan, a young man from a family of martial arts, became the prime minister of Great Chu under the eyes of everyone, and he was also the youngest prime minister of Great Chu in hundreds of years.

Thinking about it, Emperor Chu was very annoyed, but this has become an unchangeable fact.The prime minister position of big cousin was conferred by Emperor Chu himself.

The seemingly prosperous Chu Palace has carried too much wind and rain behind it.

"'s really miss... you are finally back." Yun Qing just got off the carriage when the butler of the palace saw Yun Qing couldn't stop being excited.

"I'm back." Yun Qing smiled lightly.

yes!She has come back.Go home feeling good!

"Miss, come in quickly, come in quickly." The butler hurriedly greeted, and said excitedly: "This old servant must hurry up and tell the good news to the lord. The lord will be very happy when he finds out."

While talking excitedly, the butler ran into the yard excitedly.The butler is a few years older than her grandfather. When he was young, he went to the battlefield with his grandfather and suffered many injuries. Now that he is old, his steps are no longer as agile as when he was young. But now seeing Yun Qing came, and the vigor under his feet was comparable to when he was young.

"Girl Qing, you are back. If you don't come back, I thought you were going to forget about grandpa." The butler's voice had already reached Wang Qingshan's ears, before Yun Qing and the others came In the hall, Wang Qingshan has already come.

"Grandpa." Yun Qing shouted with a smile.

"Grandpa." Chu Limo also shouted.

"Okay, okay, just come back." Wang Qingshan looked at Chu Limo and Yun Qing and nodded with a smile, "Housekeeper, go and tell the kitchen to prepare more of what Qing girl and Mo boy like to eat."

"Yes. The old slave will go to prepare now." The housekeeper also went down to prepare with a smile.

"Grandpa, it's fine if you love my sister so much, but I'll be jealous if you still love this bastard." Nangong Jin and Bai Yue were sitting in another carriage, and they walked behind Chu Limo and Yun Yun. Behind the two of them, when they entered the door, they heard Wang Qingshan's words curling their lips.

Wang Qingshan was even more happy when he saw that Nangong Jin was here, and said with a smile, "Grandpa hurts all of you."

Bai Yueyingying stepped forward and said with a faint smile, "I've seen General Wang."

"Yue girl is here too." Bai Yue smiled and nodded.Wang Qingshan smiled and said: "Don't call me General Wang, it sounds unfamiliar, you are like Qing girl, call me grandpa."

When he was in Jicheng, Wang Qingshan had met Bai Yue, and he liked Bai Yue very much and was very satisfied.

"Grand... Grandpa."

"That's right. Don't stand still, go into the house quickly."

There was harmony in the hall.Because of the arrival of Yun Qing and Bai Yue, there was even more laughter.Wang Qingshan even pulled Yun Qing and Bai Yue to talk about the interesting things that happened along the way.As a result, Chu Limo and Nangong Jin sat down and drank tea.

(End of this chapter)

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