The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 683 The Long-lost Family

Chapter 683 The Long-lost Family (3)
When relatives meet, there are always endless things to say.At the dinner table, eating is also happy.

I used up my meal.We all sit together.

The eldest cousin He is one year older than Chu Limo.I thought that my eldest cousin would marry Wanyan last year, but I didn't expect that the two of them are still not married.

"By the way, cousin, when are you and Sister Su planning to get married? Grandpa was still anxious to hug his great-grandson just now. As the eldest brother, shouldn't you set an example." Yun Qing felt that her face had been worn down It's thick, so when I say this, I don't have the shyness of some women.On the contrary, Wang Zixuan's ears were reddened by the words.

"If your eldest brother can marry Wanyan's daughter-in-law home as soon as possible, I will wake up laughing in my dreams." Wang Qingshan glanced at his grandson, obviously very dissatisfied that he did not marry his grandson-in-law back.He didn't have a great-grandson to hug him.

Hearing this tone, Yun Qing still wondered if there was something wrong with her eldest cousin's relationship with Sister Su.But after thinking about it, absolutely not, the two hit it off.It's not like the happy friends of the second cousin and Feng Qingluan.She thinks that the second cousin wants to marry Feng Qingluan home, which is the problem.As for the big cousin and sister Su, it's very simple.

Wang Zixuan smiled faintly, but did not speak.

He expressed that he was wronged about this matter, and he had already discussed with Wanyan and planned to get married.However, who knew that Wanyan suddenly changed her words, saying that the three of their good friends would get married together when Yun Qing came back.In other words, even if Yun Qing came back now, he would have to wait until Feng Qingluan was willing to marry his second brother before he could marry a wife.Therefore, the road to marrying a daughter-in-law is so long.

Sitting together and chatting for a long time, Wang Qingshan said that Nangong Jin was going to get married.He has to hurry to pick a good day.The topic of Wang Zixuan not bringing his wife back has ended.

Seeing that he has been in the palace for a day.After talking for so long, Wang Qingshan was also tired.Talked to Wang Qingshan, after two days, Yun Qing and others will go back.

I was planning to meet Chu Jing's other two good friends, but it was getting late.This matter is still discussed tomorrow.


Xiyue Fengcheng.

After more than ten days of driving, Qi Rong finally sent Chu Liyou to Fengcheng.

Prince Yuhen went out to fight in person, and took back the lost Fengcheng in just a few days.Now, the soldiers and horses of the First Prince Beiyuan have retreated thirty miles away from Fengcheng.But Yucheng is still in Beiyuan's hands.With people from Su Baiyi and Chu Limo secretly helping, Yuhen wanted to get Yucheng back, but it was not that simple.As for Beiyuan's eldest prince, he was taken back within a few days after occupying Fengcheng, so he couldn't swallow his breath.He vowed not to give up until Fengcheng was taken back.

All of a sudden, there were flames of war outside Fengcheng.However, no one acted rashly.

"Brother Qi...I'm a little nervous. Do you think he will be happy to see me?" Chu Liyou raised the curtain of the car, looked at the gate of Fengcheng, and took a deep breath.However, the look on her face still told her that she was very nervous now.Because Yuhen is in this city.

Along the way, the two got along well.Chu Liyou has already regarded Qi Rong as his eldest brother.Qi Rong also regarded this brave little girl as his own sister.

Qi Rong couldn't bear to hurt her self-confidence, and comforted her lightly with a smile: "You don't always want to be by his side, at this time, you won't be afraid, right?"

"I'm just a little nervous."

"..." Qi Rong didn't speak, but just smiled lightly.

The carriage soon arrived at the gate of Fengcheng.At this time, Fengcheng has banned outsiders from entering the city.However, Qi Rong is a special case.Show the unique token to the soldiers guarding the city, and the city gate opens.Qi Rong's carriage drove in slowly.The soldiers guarding the gate personally led Qi Rong.

Qi Rong went directly to the house where Yuhen lived now, which was the residence of the general who defended Fengcheng.But all the generals guarding Fengcheng and their family died in battle, and the house was empty.When Yuhen took back Fengcheng, he moved in directly.

On the street, no one dared to take to the street at this time.The streets are full of patrolling West Vietnamese soldiers.

There was still a faint smell of blood in the whole Fengcheng.Although it has been cleaned up, Fengcheng has only experienced a war not long ago.At that time, blood flowed all over Fengcheng.

Soon, the carriage stopped at the mansion where Yuhen lived now.

Xiajin and Nongyue were driving the carriage, and the carriage had already stopped steadily.Chu Liyou in the car became even more nervous.Because, soon to see Yuhen.

The news of Qi Rong's coming to Fengcheng was also reported to Yuhen one step earlier. When Qi Rong's carriage stopped, Yuhen came to the door to greet him in person.

Qi Rong lifted the curtain of the car, looked at the man in black clothes standing at the door and smiled, "Long time no see."

"Senior brother, why did you come to Fengcheng?" Yuhen was still surprised by Qi Rong's appearance.That's why I came here to greet him in person to see what was going on.

"Entrusted by others." Qi Rong said lightly.

It has to be said that Qi Rong and Yuhen have the same aura in every gesture, they are as gentle as jade, and their aura is as gentle.Maybe it's because they are the same master.He was handed over to look like this since he was a child.But compared to Qi Rong, Yuhen has a bit more royal arrogance.But Qi Rong is the gentle and gentle businessman.

Qi Rong looked at the woman in the carriage, and said lightly, "It's already here, come down."

At that moment, Chu Liyou was extremely nervous, because, in the carriage, she heard a familiar voice.For a moment in that familiar voice, she really wanted to cry.She thought that she must have fallen in love with this man.Otherwise, why would I be so excited to cry when I heard his voice through the car curtain?
Yuhen could feel that there were other people in the carriage, but he never thought about who was in the carriage?

After all, Qi Rong's temperament is there, and there will be no one else beside him except the guard Xia Jin.

Chu Liyou raised the curtain and slowly got out of the carriage.Showing a beautiful face.

Looking at each other, Chu Liyou nervously looked at the man standing at the door, Yuhen was also stunned when he saw Chu Liyou appearing, staring blankly at the woman who appeared.

How could she be here?

(End of this chapter)

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