The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 687 I Think I Will Always Love You Without Regret

Chapter 687 I Think I Will Always Love You Without Regret (1)

Chu Liyou didn't know how long she had been asleep, nor where she was.However, when I opened my eyes, I found that my body was very heavy, so heavy that I had no strength at all.

There is also a mess of memories in the head.But she always remembered that the way the man hugged her was so deep, down to the bone marrow.

Perhaps, she could forget everything, but she couldn't forget his tenderness to her for a moment.Even tenderness is only for a short moment.

Opening his eyes, he looked around the room, there was no one else in the room except her.She didn't dare to hope that Yuhen would take care of her here at this moment, but what about Nongyue?Where did Nongyue who was by her side go?She remembered that Nongyue was soaking in the rain with herself.

Now that she is sick, how is Nong Yue's body doing?

Chu Liyou was worried about how Nongyue was doing now.However, she had no strength, and she simply couldn't get up from the bed alone.Thinking about it, it must be because of being in the rain for too long.


The room door slammed.The door opened.

"Nongyue, is that you?"

Lying on the bed, Chu Liyou yelled.However, the person who opened the door did not speak.

Isn't it the moon?But it's not the moon, who will come in again.

"Nongyue, is that you?" Chu Liyou shouted again with a hoarse voice.

The man who entered the room still did not speak.Chu Liyou stopped shouting.If it was Nongyue, he would definitely come to see her when he heard the sound of her waking up.The person who came in now might be the little maid of this mansion.Chu Liyou thought in his heart.

The person who pushed the door of the room walked over slowly.Chu Liyou knew that this person was not Nongyue, so he closed his eyes again.

The visitor stopped by the bed, looked at the woman lying on the bed with indifferent eyes and did not speak.

Chu Liyou, who had her eyes closed, suddenly felt very cold all over her body, and couldn't help but tense up.Suddenly opened his eyes.

The situation in front of him startled Chu Liyou, how could he be here?She just thought it was just a little maid in the mansion.

"You... why are you here?" It was impossible to say that I was not nervous.Seeing him now, Chu Liyou was still nervous, and the palms of his hands under the quilt were already sweating.

Yuhen didn't speak, but just handed a bowl of soup to Chu Liyou.

"This is..." Chu Liyou took the bowl, pursed his lips and took a sip.This is obviously a bowl of soup made of brown sugar and ginger.She can understand Jiang Quhan, but what happened with the brown sugar?

Yuhen stared coldly and did not speak.Chu Liyou didn't dare to ask.He picked up the sugar water in his hand and drank it.

She thought, even if the poison was in it at this moment, she would drink it without hesitation.Who made her love this man so badly.Love reached an unreasonable level.

After drinking the sugar water, Chu Liyou didn't dare to hand him the bowl.It was already a miracle that he came in with her medicine.She didn't dare to expect that he would take over the bowl for her.Fortunately, after drinking the sugar water, my body felt a little warmer.She figured she should be able to get up out of bed and put the bowl on the table.

After lifting the quilt, Chu Liyou saw that the clothes on her body were no longer the same as before.Moreover, she was sure that this dress was not hers at all.Because she didn't have such clothes in her luggage at all.

"Lie down." Yuhen said coldly.After taking the bowl from Chu Liyou's hand, he just tossed it away, and the bowl was firmly placed on the table.

At one point, the atmosphere in the room was a little cold and made people shiver.What's more, Chu Liyou is still a patient.

(End of this chapter)

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