The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 689 Qingfeng Tower

Chapter 689 Qingfeng Tower (2)
Chu Limo hugged Yun Qing, Yun Qing's sleep has always been very light, as long as there is a little movement, she will wake up.

"How long have I been sleeping and what time is it now?"

"Slept cleanly for half an hour."

"I've been asleep for half an hour." Rubbing her eyes, Yun Qing looked at the things that had been processed on the desk.He smiled, "Finally it's settled. This Shangguan Fan, I have to talk to him properly, so I don't need to deal with these trivial things in the future..."

Before he could finish speaking, his lips were blocked.

"Qingqing, I don't like you praising other men in front of me, I will be jealous." Chu Limo said it very naturally and domineeringly.

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, how could she have forgotten that this guy is a jealous person.And when it comes to jealousy, it's out of control.

However, she remembered that she didn't say anything else just now.As for praising other men, she only mentioned one name.Is this guy so jealous?

Seeing that Yun Qing was still in a daze, Chu Limo's kiss fell.

He forbids Qingqing to think about other men in front of him.

The temperature in the study suddenly rose.

"Qingqing..." Chu Limo's voice was a little anxious.

"Don't be like this, this is the study." It's broad daylight now, and Nonghua and Xiaoxiao are still outside, as long as there is a little sound inside, the two outside can hear it.Yun Qing didn't want to be seen by the two people outside.

"Qingqing. I miss you. It's been a long time since we came back... just here, okay?"

Yun Qing buried her head in his neck, breathing heavily.

"Don't...they'll find out."

That is to say, but as long as he kisses himself.Yun Qing found that she seemed unable to control her emotions.want.

"Qingqing, I will be gentle."

In the study, the two were fighting fiercely.

Chu Limo was indeed very gentle, so gentle that Yun Qing wanted to kill this man.You clearly said to be gentle, but once you do it, being gentle is bullshit.

She swore that she would not be deceived by him in the future.

After the matter was over, Chu Limo was refreshed.Yun Qing was even more tired.Lie softly on top of him.

"I'll take you back to the room to rest." Chu Limo kissed her forehead distressedly.

"En." Yun Qing responded.She was indeed dying of exhaustion.

Leaning in Chu Limo's arms, Yun Qing slept peacefully.

The door of the study room opened, Chu Limo hugged Yun Qing and walked towards the room where Yun Qing slept.Nonghua and Xiaoxiao who were in the yard also acted as if they hadn't seen anything.

"I'll sleep with Qing Qing for a while."

"En." Yun Qing responded, and fell asleep again.

Seeing that Yun Qing was really tired, Chu Limo also took off his clothes, lay down and fell asleep with the woman.This time, she fell asleep straight into the night, and Xiaoxiao knocked on the door a few times to tell them to have dinner, but she didn't get up.

Xiaoxiao also knows that the young lady is really tired from being busy with some things these two days.So don't bother.

Another night passed.

Yun Qing finally finished the work in hand.She also explained that in the future, these trivial matters don't have to be passed on to her directly, just let Shangguan Fan solve them by himself.It is conceivable that Shangguan Fan will be busy all day in the days to come.

Breakfast time.We all sit together and have breakfast.

Yun Qing remembered what happened to him yesterday, she couldn't let this man live here anymore, it was too dangerous.Looking at the man beside him, he said, "How long do you plan to live here?"

(End of this chapter)

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