The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 691 Love You Well

Chapter 691 Love You Well (1)
"Well. It's better for Qingqing to stay by my side in the future." Chu Limo suddenly said this.Then, sat down to finish the rest of the breakfast.

Yun Qing frowned, what does this guy mean.Yun Qing looked in the direction of Nangong Jin and Bai Yue, not knowing how they were doing.Big brother is so angry, will he...

"What is Qingqing thinking?"

"It's nothing."

"Nangong Jin is not such a bastard to beat a woman." Chu Limo said.

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, was her appearance so obvious just now?
"However, I'm quite worried after hearing what you said. My elder brother might go crazy and hit a woman. Don't they all say that once a man loses control, he can do anything?"

It's not that Yun Qing doesn't believe her elder brother.In fact, she could feel it in her elder brother's eyes just now.He wants to kill.Her eldest brother may be able to control the urge to kill, but there is no guarantee that he will stop beating women.

In case of a fight, with Bai Yue's temper.After that, they will really be completely finished.

"Is Qingqing referring to me? Don't worry, Qingqing, even if I lose control, I won't hurt Qingqing."

Yun Qing glanced at Chu Limo, "I'm not joking with you, I'm really worried that my elder brother will get out of control and beat someone."

"He can't do it."

Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo, how could this guy be so sure?

"Qingqing, have breakfast." Chu Limo smiled, but the smile was a little mysterious.Unable to help, Yun Qing's curiosity was aroused, and Yun Qing said lightly, "I think you still have something to hide from me."

"Well. The date of our marriage has been fixed. It will be on the eighth day of November. Although I really want to marry Qingqing and go home now, but that day is a good day. In one month, Qingqing will be my rightful marriage wife."

"Why don't I know about this?"

"Qingqing has been busy these two days. I also want to give Qingqing a surprise."

Seriously, it was a real surprise.When she identified this man, she knew she was going to marry this man.However, when she really wants to marry, she will still be a little inexplicably excited and looking forward to it.

On the eighth day of November, Yun Qing made up her mind, and it was the end of September, which meant that she was going to marry this man in about a month.

Yun Qing buried her head in her meal, and Chu Limo said again, "Nangong Jin also married Bai Yue that day. So, he can't do it."


This time, Yun Qing really sprayed out.

What kind of situation is this.Her eldest brother was going to marry them that day.

Yun Qing looked at Chu Limo and said with a smile, "Did you guys discuss it a long time ago?"

"Except that day was a good day, the remaining auspicious days are half a year away. Nangong Jin can't wait that long in a hurry."

Yun Qing pouted, she saw that the person who was anxious was Chu Limo.

As soon as her elder brother came back that day, he told his grandfather that he was going to get married, with a look of eagerness on his face.

But she was wondering if there was only one good day recently, so the two planned to get married on the same day.

Knowing that Chu Limo and Nangong Jin have already set the date.Yun Qing was no longer worried that her elder brother would get out of control and beat someone up.Instead, he took his breakfast leisurely.


"Nangong Jin, you scratched me. Let me go!" Bai Yue shouted.

I really feel that this man is losing his nerve, and it's a little baffling.She just said something about Qingfenglou, did he need such a big reaction?

(End of this chapter)

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