The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 693 Love You Well

Chapter 693 Love You Well (3)
If he can't do it, it can only mean that everything he said is false.He doesn't love himself at all.

"What do I have to do to make you believe me." Nangong Jin really felt that Bai Yue had changed a lot now.It seems that he is starting to worry about gains and losses.

"Time is the best answer."

"Well, time is precious, let's not waste it." Nangong Jin approached Bai Yue and whispered in her ear.

Bai Yue suddenly felt a little nervous and looked at Nangong Jin who was approaching her, "What are you doing?"

"Of course I love you very much! Otherwise, how would you know. Yue'er, if you dare to go to a place like Qingfeng Tower in the future, I will definitely break your leg. I, Nangong Jin, don't mind raising you forever."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Bai Yue looked at Nangong Jin who was leaning over and swallowed nervously.

"It doesn't matter if I don't know, I will tell you with my actions." Nangong Jin approached and said again: "You are destined to marry me in this life. I forgot to tell Yue'er one thing. I have sent the betrothal gift to Baihuzhai Father-in-law has gone. The wedding date has already been set on the eighth day of November. Father-in-law should be on his way to Chujing by this time."

Bai Yue was really stunned by Nangong Jin's words.

What did she just hear?
This man has already received the dowry.Moreover, her father is coming too.

Bai Yue's ecstasy gave Nangong Jin a chance.Nangong Jin took advantage of the situation and hugged Bai Yue, practicing what it means to love her well!



Chu Liyou had been lying on the bed for three whole days with this illness.As for Nongyue, as Yuhen said, her physical fitness was better than Chu Liyou's, and her fever subsided the next day, and she was fine after lying in bed for a day.

After Nongyue is done, she will take care of Chu Liyou.

It's just that since that night, Yuhen brought her two quilts and slept in the same bed with her.For the remaining two days, Chu Liyou never saw Yuhen.

"Miss, drink this medicine quickly." Nong Yue said while holding the medicine.

"This medicine is too bitter, you put it away first."

"Miss, the good medicine tastes bad. Your health is not healed yet, if you don't take the medicine, how will you get better from this disease." Nongyue persuaded.

Chu Liyou shook his head and refused to drink the medicine.

In fact, it's not that she doesn't want to drink medicine.She was just wondering if Yuhen would come to see her if she was ill.If she is ill, Yuhen will not drive her away for the time being.So, she doesn't want to get better now.

"Miss is afraid of hardship, so I'll go get some candied fruit." After finishing speaking, Nongyue put the medicine on the table, then turned around and went out to see if there was any candied fruit in the house.

Just after leaving the yard, I was looking for candied fruit when I met Yuhen and Akabane.Nongyue was trained by Chu Limo, and she has been by Yun Qing's side all the time, so she naturally doesn't like this Yuhen.However, she is now Chu Liyou's personal maid.If Chu Liyou wanted to stay by this person's side, she would naturally not make things difficult for Chu Liyou.And now that it's in Yuhen's territory, playing the moon won't freeze the atmosphere.But he won't talk to this person, even if he is the prince of Xiyue.

"What are you looking for?" Akabane asked.

Nong Yue said neither humble nor overbearing: "My young lady refuses to drink medicine because of hardship, I'll see if there are any candied fruit."

The mansion had experienced a war before, and later Yuhen lived in it. They were all a group of men, so how could there be such a thing as candied fruit.

"There is no candied fruit in the house." Akabane said.

They still cleaned up this mansion, so they naturally knew that there was no such thing.

Nong Yue frowned.The young lady is afraid of suffering, so she refuses to drink medicine.But how could her illness be cured without taking medicine.It seems that I can only go and buy some back.

"Thank you. I'll go buy some for Miss." Nong Yue said.Then go in the direction of the door.

"You go with her." Yuhen, who had been silent all this time, ordered lightly.


Akabane has been by Yuhen's side for many years, and soon understood what his master meant.This Nongyue belongs to that person, and they have dealt with each other a lot, and he knows her abilities.Compared with the sick woman inside, this woman is the real one to guard against.

She was afraid of hardship and refused to drink medicine.He remembered that Yun Qing was also a person who was afraid of suffering and refused to drink medicine.I still remember that when she first came here, she had a serious illness, but no matter what, she just refused to take the medicine.Until he couldn't support himself and fell ill, he was directly hospitalized for an injection.But later, even if that woman was here, she wouldn't let herself get sick easily.

Yuhen turned around and walked towards the room.

"Nongyue, I don't want to drink medicine. Don't be too busy." Chu Liyou who was lying on the bed said.

"She went to buy you candied fruit." Yuhen's voice was cold.

When Chu Li turned his head anxiously, he saw the man in black clothes standing aside.She hadn't seen him for two days.His face didn't look well.She knew that Fengcheng was still in war.Beiyuan Kingdom is still eyeing Fengcheng.

"You...why are you here?" Chu Liyou asked.The tone is faltering.

Yuhen glanced at the cold medicine on the table.Chu Liyou followed his gaze, feeling a little uneasy, did he realize that he was being careful?
"I... I'm afraid of suffering. I'll drink the medicine later."

"Don't drink it when it's cold. Drink it when the candied fruit is bought." After finishing speaking, Yuhen left the room as if he had never appeared before.Everything just now seemed like an illusion.

"Oh!" It was not until a long time passed that Chu Liyou nodded in response.But there was no trace of Yuhen in the room.

However, she was still so excited beyond words because of his words.

(End of this chapter)

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