The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 698 The Emperor Summons

Chapter 698 The Emperor Summons (2)
"When are we going back to the city?" Yun Qing asked after breakfast.

They have been out for a day and a night, and if they don't go back, those people in the city should be anxious to find them.

"Don't worry. Take Qingqing to a place later."

He didn't even need to think about where he was going to take him.

"Lingyin Temple." Yun Qing said.

Chu Limo nodded, "Well, he is my master after all, and we should tell him about such a big happy event as our marriage."

"En." Yun Qing also nodded.

Lingyin Temple.

Lingyin's old god stick lived in the back mountain, and Chu Limo took Yun Qing along a small path to the back mountain where Lingyin lived.

"I'm willing to come back. I thought you wouldn't come back here." It seemed that he knew Chu Limo would come.A voice came from the quiet room.Yun Qing was familiar with this voice, it belonged to that old master Lingyin.

"I'm here to tell you that I'm getting married. The eighth day of November."

"You came to show off to me." The people in the room snorted.

"I want to tell you that your junior brother who is always against you has come out of the mountain. Man, he is now in the territory of Dachu." Chu Limo said.When mentioning Wuchen, his tone was very cold.If Wuchen hadn't run fast at that time, he would never have let him go for drugging Qingqing.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew, and the door of the room opened, and Chu Limo led Yun Qing into it.

Lingyin sat aside and meditated, and Chu Limo and Yun Qing also sat down casually.

"You didn't just come to tell me these things, did you?" Lingyin said.

"He didn't keep his word and went out of the mountain without permission. He also used despicable means, as his senior brother, shouldn't you discipline him?" Chu Limo said coldly.

"what do you want?"

"I don't want to see him appearing alive in the territory of Dachu to destroy my affairs." Chu Limo said coldly: "If you don't want to take care of his affairs, I can guarantee that you can see his corpse appearing in Dachu tomorrow." in front of you."

"I see." Lingyin sighed.

"That's the best."

After finishing speaking, Chu Limo took Yun Qing and walked towards the door.

"You just leave. Don't stay and have a meal together." Lingyin called to Chu Limo who was about to leave.

"Let's talk about when you settle the matter of your good junior." Chu Limo didn't stop, and pulled Yun Qing away from Lingyin Temple.

In the quiet room, Lingyin opened his eyes.His eyes moved slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The two soon rode down the mountain together on the same horse.

Yun Qing didn't ask any questions before, and when he went down the mountain, Yun Qing said, "Why didn't you tell me that Wuchen appeared in Dachu?"

Yun Qing has always remembered the matter of Wu Chen drugging herself.If it wasn't for Wu Chen running fast after taking the medicine.Leaving Xueyue City overnight, Yun Qing swore that she would kill that old bastard who looked exactly like her master in her previous life.

"Wuqing sent news in the morning that he appeared in the territory of Dachu."

"What does he want to appear in Dachu at this time?" Yun Qing gritted his teeth.Nothing good will happen if the old bastard shows up here.

"I won't let him step into Chujing."

"By the way, I heard you just said that Wuchen is not trustworthy, what's the matter with going out of the mountain without authorization?"

"More than a dozen years ago, he competed with his master, and the two fought for several days and nights with no score. Therefore, they made a promise that neither of them would go out of the mountain in this life. If anyone goes out of the mountain without authorization, the other has the right to punish him. "

(End of this chapter)

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