The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 700 Spit out Nangong Jin

Chapter 700 Spit out Nangong Jin (1)
Yun Qing really wanted to ask, is it really okay to let the king of a country wait like this?
However, Chu Limo was not in a hurry to meet the emperor, and she was even less anxious.Let His Majesty the Emperor wait.

She was also really tired, and fell asleep in Chu Limo's arms once.

Soon, the sound of breathing came from the room.

After kissing the woman in his arms, Chu Limo also closed his eyes.


This time, no one disturbed me, and I fell asleep until it was time for dinner.

I don't know if Yun Qing is just checking the time, she just woke up when it was time for dinner.

The woman in her arms moved, and Chu Limo also woke up.

"Wake up. Are you hungry?" A gentle voice came from my ear.

"Yeah." The person in his arms nodded.

"Then let's get up and eat."

"it is good."

Before Yun Qing could do it himself, Chu Limo took the clothes and put them on for Yun Qing one by one.After packing up, the two came to the hall.

When she arrived at the hall, her elder brothers Nangong Jin and Bai Yue were already in the hall.

There are only two maidservants, Xiaoxiao and Nonghua, in this mansion.Seeing that everyone had arrived, he brought up the prepared dishes.

Since returning to Chujing, these maidservants refused to eat together at the table, saying that there is a difference between master and servant.

Tonight's dishes are the same as usual, they all like to eat.

"I heard that the palace sent someone to wait for you at the gate of your mansion for a day, and now there are still people waiting at the gate of your mansion. You plan to make them wait forever." Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows and looked at Chu Limo and said.

He is purely looking for a good show.

Chu Limo didn't say a word, but concentrated on eating, and then continued to pick up food for Yun Qing.

"Qingqing, eat more. Look at you, so thin."

Yun Qing looked at the vegetables in his bowl speechlessly, did he feed himself like a pig?Also, where has she lost weight? She is obviously in a standard figure now, okay?
Nangong Jin gritted his teeth angrily, this bastard must have done it on purpose.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, your imperial brother is not a simple person. If you avoid him, he will come here tomorrow. It is estimated that there will be no peace here for my son."

Nangong Jin's words are definitely not false.After all, this is Chu Jing, the territory of the current emperor.As long as he wants to check, he will find out that Chu Limo is here now.

"What do you want to say?" Chu Limo said lightly.

"After dinner, quickly move back to your Prince Li's Mansion." Nangong Jin said: "Sister, you also move to take care of this... sick child."

Chu Limo, who was originally dark-faced, immediately returned to normal after hearing the next sentence.He lived here because of Qingqing.

"Brother, am I still your biological sister?" Yun Qing pouted.She is not married yet.This brother of hers disliked her like something.

"Of course. Even if you are my own sister, you can't disturb the happy life of my elder brother." Nangong Jin said it as a matter of course.

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, feeling that her elder brother wanted to drive them away because he disliked them for disturbing his 'happy' life.

Bai Yue, who was eating silently, was choked by Nangong Jin's words, her whole face turned red and she coughed.

"Cough cough..."

"Eat slowly. Come, drink some water." Nangong Jin patted Bai Yue's back to make her feel better. Seeing that Bai Yue was still coughing badly, he quickly poured a glass of water and handed it to her.Bai Yue took it and took a sip anxiously. She drank so anxiously that she coughed again.After coughing for a long time, it calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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