The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 706 Seeing Chu Qiaoyang

Chapter 706 Seeing Chu Qiaoyang (2)
A bowl of porridge quickly bottomed out.

"When can I get out of bed." Bai Yue asked.

Bai Yue couldn't stand the feeling of lying on the bed.She is very active, if she stays on the bed like this, she will get sick from boredom.

"Not yet, you need a good rest. Don't worry, Yue'er, I will take good care of you."

"But I get bored in bed." Bai Yue curled her lips, "And I feel that there is nothing serious about my body."

I don't know if it's because of her good physical fitness, or because of the medicine Nangong Jin gave her last night, but her stomach doesn't hurt anymore.She herself didn't feel any discomfort on her body.

"That won't work either." Nangong Jin could not tolerate Bai Yue's tone of rejection, "You have to lie in bed for a few days. You can only get out of bed when you fully recover."

"Lie down for a few days." Bai Yue yelled, "Lie down for a few days and I will go crazy."

"I am here."

There he is.Who is to blame for her current appearance? If he hadn't suddenly lost her temper, she wouldn't have become pregnant, and she wouldn't have to lie in bed for a few days.

"I'm even more worried about you. I'm afraid of you..." The following words did not come out.

Nangong Jin's face turned dark immediately.

"I know how to measure. I promised not to touch you in the first few months."

That kind of scare once is enough.He doesn't want to come here a second time.

Moreover, he is not a pervert.

For so many years, there are countless women around him, but she is not the only woman for him.

Bai Yue stopped talking.Now she just wanted to say something, and Nangong Jin would definitely not agree.


Chu Limo moved back to Liwang Mansion the next day.However, Chu Limo still ignored the emperor's summoning.

Because, Chu Limo said: He is very upset now.

So don't want to see the emperor.

Bai Yue lay on the bed for two days, and she almost went crazy in these two days.Because Nangong Jin didn't allow her to do anything.Just let her lie down and sleep, sleep, sleep, and now she is afraid when she hears the word sleep.

Fortunately, Nangong Jin took good care of her, and it was the third day.Bai Yue got out of bed.

This is a distance closer to the days when they got married.

Lanyue Pavilion.

Chu Limo and Nangong Jin had already decided on the wedding dresses they would wear for their wedding at Lanyue Pavilion.Seeing that the day is approaching, Bai Yue has just been bored in the room for two days.Bai Yue wants to come out to get some air.So they made an appointment with Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan.The four of them wandered around the capital.

"Sister Yue, are you feeling better?" In Lanyue Pavilion, Su Wanyan asked with concern.

Originally, she and Feng Qingluan had also heard about Bai Yue's illness.I also went to the mansion to have a look.It's just that Nangong Jin was taking care of them all the time, and they didn't stay for long.

"It's healed after two days of raising it." Bai Yue said with a smile.

Since having this child and getting closer to Nangong Jin, Bai Yue's face is full of happy smiles all day long.

"I really didn't expect that you and sister Qing would get married on the same day. You two are married, and you won't be able to play with you in the future." Feng Qingluan curled her lips and said.

"Could it be that we are not friends anymore when we get married." Yun Qing said with a smile: "After we get married, we can often come out to play."

"Really?" Feng Qingluan asked.

She looked at those girls in the capital, it was usually hard for them to come out to play after they got married.They have to stay at home with their husbands and children.So, she didn't want to get married at all.I don't like being a husband and a child at home at all.

(End of this chapter)

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