The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 748. Chapter 052. The Hunt Begins

Chapter 748. Chapter 052. The Hunt Begins

Nangong Jin took Bai Yue back to the room, and Wang Zixuansu said that Feng Qingluan also returned to the palace where she lived.

"It's not an accident that elder brother is here today. Did you ask him to come?"

Not a doubt, but a very certainty.

"Yeah. Isn't there no movement from the Ghost Pylori Gate? But I always feel that they won't really be quiet at all. The autumn hunting this time is not so simple."

Nangong Jin seemed to be taking Bai Yue to visit the mountains and rivers.However, although he was playing, behind his back, he had been observing the movement of Chu Jing and even other countries.

"You mean that the ghost pylorus will do something on this autumn hunt. So? Who is his target?"

It's them?Or Chu Che?

Yun Qing would not believe that the Empress Dowager would really help Chu Che gain Da Chu's power.The Queen Mother has always wanted the Feng clan to return to the front of the world.So, if the ghost ghost door makes a move, will the target be them this time, or will it be Chu Che?
"Look. There will be a good show tomorrow." He smiled evilly.

"It's good to watch a play. But today, I heard that all the ladies from Chu Jing expressed their love for you one by one. Why, I didn't fall in love with any of them."

"It's enough for me to have Qingqing. How can those vulgar fans get into my eyes. But Qingqing, is this jealous?"

Jealous!Eat your sister's vinegar!

"Who said I was jealous. I just heard that Chu Jing has no shortage of talented and beautiful ladies. If that stubborn lady stalks you and throws her arms around you, you will really have the heart to drive her away." Is the girl leaving?"

"He also said he wasn't jealous." After he spat, "Even if they stalk me and throw their arms around me, I don't like it. Qingqing is the only one in my eyes. Now, I fall in love with you, Qingqing." How about a hug?"

"Hey...I haven't finished my sentence yet. What are you doing?"

"Such a beautiful night, of course I threw myself into Qingqing's arms. How about it, are you satisfied?"

"Smelly rascal." Yun Qing glanced at his mouth.

"Where does it stink. It is obviously fragrant."

"Chu Limo, you haven't seen a woman in several lifetimes. Didn't you just ask for it in the want it again."

"For you, I will never have enough!"

Moreover, Qingqing didn't believe him so much, he was really worried.So he had no choice but to prove one thing with his actions, that his body and heart were only her.

One sentence to you, I will never be enough.It has already made Yun Qing forget the fact how strong this man is in bed.For a while, he was thrown down like that.As expected, she had fallen deeply into his fascination.

Sometimes with just one look or one word from him, she would be completely dazzled by him.Being led by him, and then walking, the two of them would definitely roll onto the bed.

And when she woke up the next day, although Yun Qing would be annoyed that she was seduced by him again.But as long as he saw his monstrous face, his bad mood would disappear again.

This should be the so-called love.

Only if she truly loves this person, will she be like this.

Soon, ambiguous and embarrassing whispers came from the room.


the next day.

Yesterday's hunt was delayed.Today's hunting can no longer be spoiled.However, Chu Limo didn't have the intention to destroy it.

However, Emperor Chu was not in a good mood at all.This point, the civil and military ministers all felt it.However, no one dared to ask at this time, and even less dared to make His Majesty the Emperor unhappy at this time.

In previous years, the hunting rules were that each minister from each family would come out with a son, and whoever hunted the most prey together would win the game.Whoever wins will be rewarded by the emperor.It is a common thing to be promoted to an official position, or when the emperor is happy, which family's son has a lady he likes, he can ask for a marriage.The emperor will fulfill this matter when he is happy.

Women also participated in autumn hunting this year, so the rules have also been changed.I don't know who came up with the good idea.This year, two teams will be drawn to decide who to team with.If a man and a woman were drawn in the draw, it would be conceivable that in this ancient place where there was a defense between men and women, such a match would suddenly come out.There are many intrigues and tricks in it.

The real intention of the emperor is actually on the ladies of these ministers.It has long been reported that the emperor intends to choose a concubine for the fifth prince in this autumn hunt.And after the autumn hunt, the fifth prince will be canonized as His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

However, not many women will actually participate in hunting this year.Because not all women can ride horses, and not all women can ride horses to hunt.Among the princesses in the northern suburbs palace, Chu Qiaoyang was beaten up in Yingfeng Tower and is still lying down.And the only princess in the palace is Chu Junyang, the eldest princess born to the queen.And Feng Qingluan who grew up on the horse.

So it is said: The emperor has set his mind on Feng Qingluan.

The candidates for this hunting are Fifth Prince Chu Che, Qi Wang Chu Feiyu, Shou Wang Chu Feihang, Prime Minister Wang Zixuan, and other sons of princes and ministers.

The female candidates are: the eldest princess Chu Junyang, the general's daughter Feng Qingluan, the daughter of the Ministry of Rites Su Wanyan, the daughter of the Duke's Mansion Cheng Yuanyuan, and other ladies.

There are significantly fewer women than men.It is estimated that the emperor had already thought of this.Therefore, there was a lottery to decide this move.

As the king of Li, Chu Limo came to participate in the autumn hunting purely to watch the excitement.As for Yun Qing, she is Princess Li.Before tearing the skin off.The emperor will not be offended at this time.Therefore, the lottery has nothing to do with these two people.

But what the emperor didn't expect was.The genius doctor Nangong Jin suddenly appeared here.Not only that, but also the woman who entered the palace together with Nangong Jin.Nangong Jin's wife.

The lottery has begun over there.

"For an autumn hunt, Brother Huang is not afraid of trouble if it is so complicated."

Chu Limo looked at the people who were drawing lots, and it was long overdue.

"I thought the ninth brother would not come."

Emperor Chu did not expect that his ninth younger brother would appear.So, it didn't start until he came.Chu Limo didn't care at all.

"Why don't you come. I heard that Brother Huang came to Liyuan last night. Did something serious happen when I came to see you last night? Coincidentally, I just happened to be unable to receive Brother Huang because of something."

Emperor Chu's face sank.

"No big deal."

"That's right. What big things can happen under the eyes of the emperor."

I don't know if Chu Limo is really in a good mood, and he can talk so much with Emperor Chu.

"Ninth brother will go out and hunt some prey today."

"Of course. It's rare to come to the hunting ground once. Naturally, we have to hunt some prey." After speaking, Chu Limo turned and looked at Yun Qing gently, "Qingqing, was the dragon meat delicious yesterday? Quite a few, if Qingqing likes to hunt one."

Then, Emperor Chu's entire face sank.

Nangong Jin, who came with him, twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard Chu Limo's words. This guy doesn't want to kill all the phoenix birds raised here, does he?

"The taste is not bad." Yun Qing replied flatly.

It is conceivable how much the Emperor Chu's heart is hurting now.

She also heard last night that Emperor Chu loved this dish the most.That's why many phoenix birds are raised in the royal hunting ground.When Emperor Chu wanted to eat, someone would make it for him immediately.

"Well. Then let's hunt a few later."

And here, the lottery is over.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but Chu Che and Feng Qingluan actually won a group.But let alone Yun Qing didn't believe such a coincidence, even Feng Qingluan didn't believe it.Fortunately, Su Wanyan is in the same group as Wang Zixuan.The others are in groups of two.

So I can be sure that Chu Che is playing Feng Qingluan's idea.

The draw is over, and the hunt is about to begin.

The Royal Hunting Ground is very large, once you enter the forest, it will take a long time to think of a person.

"Sister Feng, be careful with Chu Che." Yun Qing walked up to Feng Qingluan and said in a low voice.But no one saw that Yun Qing left something on Feng Qingluan's body.

"Sister Qing, don't worry."

With Feng Qingluan's martial arts, Yun Qing is not worried.But don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.Who knows what tricks Chu Che will make.

After finishing speaking, Yun Qing also walked towards Wang Zixuan and Su Wanyan.

"Cousin, sister Su. Be careful too."

Although Chu Che is targeting Feng Qingluan now, Yun Qing does not believe that it is really only targeting Feng Qingluan alone.Emperor Chu would not spend so much time and energy holding an autumn hunt and only hit Feng Qingluan's idea.Therefore, Yun Qing had to doubt the emperor's real purpose.

One order.The hunt also begins.There was the sound of horses galloping through the woods.The animals in the woods also ran away.

At this moment, the people hiding in the dark of the woods also began to move around.

"Qingqing, I'll take you to see the dragon meat."

Yun Qing was sure that Emperor Chu's heart must be bleeding right now.Must be bleeding hard.

"Just right, I also want to see what the legendary dragon meat looks like." Nangong Jin took the words.

"Brother Huang, do you want to go and have a look together?"

Yun Qing is sure that Chu Limo must not have sincerely invited him.definitely is.

"You go."

"That's right. Brother Huang is not as good as he was back then. Then I won't disturb Brother Huang's elegance." That means, Brother Huang, you are already old.

The most taboo thing for the emperor is that others say he is old.It is estimated that every emperor wants to live forever.

Sure enough, after Chu Limo's words fell, Emperor Chu's face sank.

Chu Limo didn't care if Emperor Chu was already vomiting blood in anger.With his arms around Yun Qing's waist, he jumped lightly, and the two of them were already sitting on the back of a horse.Nangong Jin didn't show weakness, she put her arms around Bai Yue and sat on the horse.

Chu Limo must have deliberately shown his kung fu in front of Emperor Chu.It must be on purpose.Yun Qing did not ignore the shock in Emperor Chu's eyes when he saw Chu Limo just now.

I'm afraid that Emperor Chu now wants to get rid of this ninth younger brother who threatens him even more.

After arriving in the woods, they separated from Nangong Jinbaiyue and left.

"Where are we going?" They had circled the woods several times since they came in.

"We're not going anywhere, we're just walking around in the woods." Chu Limo said, "When the time comes, they will show up by themselves."

"But the tail at the back is very annoying." Yun Qing pouted, Yun Qing didn't like the tail following them at all.

"Let them follow first. After a while, they will know that following others is not a fun thing." Chu Limo smiled bloodthirsty.

Sure enough, not long after, there was a sudden scream in the woods.


The sound almost shook the entire Northern Suburb Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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